I think a lot of the quests are still great, while I think the writing generally is worse it’s not bad. I’ve spent hours building ships, I really like just jumping around system to system not even landing. I would say there’s a higher ratio of non combat options which I enjoy. You can spend a long time just running around talking to people- which for some is a negative, I love my RPGs roll play heavy over combat
I really enjoyed the Ryujin quest line, the quest where the world was shifting, and there’s tons of great smaller quests and interactions, but I agree the generation ship was a big miss, the main quest flounders and flops hard about half way through and overall they didn’t do enough with universe building.
Still give a try, it’s not for everyone and it’s not to the same quality as their previous games but it’s honestly not a bad game. At worst I’d say it’s aggressively average. But I still have a great time with ship combat and exploration, the loading doesn’t bother me as much and people act like the quests and writing are BAD, They are not, it’s just not to the level of their previous games. But there are still a few quests I absolutely love.
And at this points it’s honestly a pretty damn decent and fun game. At its core it’s fallout 4 on a server. Improved legendary system, one of if not the best map of any fallout, the best radio, some great quests and content. It’s absolutely worth trying out at this point for any fallout fan that hasn’t. Yeah it’s still not perfect and I wish I could actually pause, and it can be a bit hard at times but it’s total scratches the fallout itch even if just randomly exploring and not really doing quests. I also never really interacted with other players
“It’s not a lake, it’s an ocean”
Also the part where you and Pierce are singing along to What I Got by Sublime near the beginning of Saints Row The Third