• 2 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 09, 2023


I didn’t know they were going to fuck with my OS in that way when I bought the phone. It’s impossible to keep track of all the different ways various companies are trying to fuck me over from every angle at all times.

Bluetooth tethering is also not allowed and my phone charger doesn’t fit into my computer.

Then you’re probably on the plan that “allows” you to use your own phone.

Awesome! I’ll be sure to give it a shot when I have the chance.

Or we could cut their cocks off have a very nice chat with them about the ethics of taking advantage of consumers.

I’m not even sharing it with others. I just want to use my own internet.

Even if it is, that’s my


They worked with OS developers, certainly. My phone says it’s “verifying” for a sec before it fails.

It’s insane that they get away with this because it’s digital. Imagine if you were doing some handiwork and your hammer was like, “Our policy has changed. If you wish to continue hammering nails >3in, please subscribe for $30/mo.”

When the fuck did a mobile hotspot become something you have to pay extra for?
It's my goddamn motherfucking mobile data and MY PHONE. I should be able to use it however I want. My wifi went down because the greedy, cunt-faced shitbags at Comcast stole taxpayer subsidies to enrich themselves instead of actually providing the service we're paying for. I tried to switch to a mobile hotspot and my phone refuses to open one. Everyone responsible for this shit should be ~~fed to alligators~~ locked away in a fucking gulag. We have no rights and live in a corporate plutocracy.

I tried to use it again and couldn’t figure it out, so I’m not sure what I did the first time. I might have misremembered, as I last used it years ago.

So odd that it seems like other people don’t have this issue. Very frustrating.

Sounds like it gives you a new number instead of linking to your phone. Is that right?

Are there any good apps for texting on a computer?
I've tried Google's Messages for Web, Microsoft's Phone Link, and KDE's Connect. They all seem to have the same problem: they lose connection constantly and have to be unpaired and re-paired. Is this a problem inherent to the way that Android works? Has anyone managed to solve it, or is there a setting to fix it? Thanks!

That’s so fucking stupid, holy shit. Just hold up a picture of an older person lmao. Back in my day, parental controls just used a password and the system worked just fine for most people.

The article is vague. If this goes through, will it require everyone to upload pictures of themselves, or just people who have accounts with parental controls on game stores?

New law: every time they lock someone out of a game they paid for, either for lack of Internet or any other reason, they have to give a 1,000% refund and the contents of the CEO’s phone get uploaded to their store to be downloaded for free.

I fucking love that Valve is privately owned and hope it stays that way forever. It seems like they’re the only game store not subject to enshittification and I’m sure that not being a public company is a huge part of why. They’ve kept their amazing search feature all this time, just put out a significant UI update that helps UX a lot on high res monitors, and still let you play without updating if you go into offline mode (though it is a bit of a hassle).