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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Mar 19, 2024


Currently playing MGSV on PC. I never got into the metal gear franchise because I wasn’t willing to keep up with the play stations. But it’s a surprisingly good game. A little fan-service here and there (cough, Quiet) but the gameplay is solid. I like how they tie achievements with in-game rewards, things like rescuing a certain prisoner unlocks a new type of weapon or something. It’s a good motivation to complete all the optional parts of the missions. And the missions are replayable, which gives you plenty of opportunity to get the best ratings and rewards.

I played Satisfactory for a while. Got a little past oil extraction and power generation. I think I was doing it wrong, though. I only made one actual factory, like with a floor and such, and it was one of those little templates you can design and make several of. Most of the stuff I built was just scattered about the map with miners and constructors and smelters just laying about everywhere and conveyer belts connecting them. It felt disorganized and, well, unsatisfying. The transport tube (the futurama style one) was fun, but most of the rest of it just felt like work. That and the fact that there was no provided reason to do any of it caused me to just lose interest after a while. I think the Christmas gift construction tree, where the last item required like 10,000 gifts collected was kind of discouraging too.

What keeps you motivated to improve, rebuild, and progress in the game? And what am I missing?

Subnautica. It’s not long but I enjoyed every minute of it. And the requirements for a ‘perfect game’ on steam aren’t too difficult.