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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 08, 2023


I’m not sure that’s something I want. It takes days to climb Everest! I don’t want to play for days just to climb a procedurally generated mountain that probably doesn’t have anything on top of it. Or at best has some random shit that you can find everywhere else.

I’m not suggesting it should be at all. Not sure how you got that from my comment. I liked the Witcher 3, honestly, but it isn’t a game about freedom and it shouldn’t be imo. It tells character focused stories well, which is harder to do the more choice you give the player.

I feel like the kind of “freedom” players want from an RPG is somewhat inconsistent with playing as a specific character, i.e. Geralt. For me, I want to be my own character and decide who they are and what they do. I never really got on with Geralt because I don’t want to be a moody medieval jedi, I’d much rather be a whimsical wizard or something.

Yeah, it’s just back exactly to the problem the article points out - refined bullshit is still bullshit. You still need to teach your LLM how to talk, so it still needs that cast bullshit input into its “base” before you feed it the “grounding” or whatever… And since it doesn’t actually understand any of that grounding it’s just yet more bullshit.

Although I haven’t tried much, I feel like the expert badges can bring some of that challenge at least, no?

Gamers lose when the store shuts down and you lose access to all of the games you got for free, or worse actually paid for.

Yeah… If someone takes out a complex part of your production, is that going to just end your game because you can’t practically divide your attention effectively? I can imagine a couple of ways around this, but it’s a challenge. I suppose that’s another layer of strategy in the whole game… But I also think unless it’s very streamlined it’s going to put a lot of people off.

I’ll second the other responses - it’s great with no friends, playing with strangers works really well.

Yeah at the moment it really sounds like a roguelike game mode for DRG.

It’s an effective teaser because the DRG community is its own hype machine lol