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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 14, 2023


google for all its faults seems much more open about security. Apple is a marketing company that tangentially makes hardware. Its good hardware, but its still tangential.

you’re a huge jackass, this is irrelevant to my message, make your own you colossal piece of shit.


monocultures are at risk to a single vulnerability, you don’t need more than 1

yes, 16 year olds are famous for their long-term planning.

you know who has nothing to lose from a privacy perspective? a teenager whose life is constantly monitored anyway. Why would a teenager care about apple reading their messages when there are much nearer semi-existential threats like mom&dad reading your messages?

“people who don’t have to pay for things and whose only economic system is peer pressure prefer the high end phones their friends use.”

lol woops, still getting used to the lemmy UI and got confused. I thought it was him complaining i hadn’t responded. apologies.

peaceful enjoyment of his possessions

so how do you enjoy your possessions peacefully if they break? is repairing them…not peaceful?

No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.

So if it breaks, and i can’t repair it, then I lose this property.

Now, one area where i had not previously gone but makes sense in this particular statement, is that if a company prevents you from repairing your equipment and that company is either unwilling (ie they banned you for trying to repair your john deere yourself) or unable (ie bankrupt) to repair your equipment, is that not depriving you of property? Or do you consider the failure of the property to be an act of god which the vendor is in no way responsible for, even if they deliberately design the system to fail you?

actually most of human history – its a relatively modern invention that you should not be permitted to repair your own property

for example from 1939, it was taken as a given that repair was within the rights of the property owner: https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/233177352.pdf

its also part of most property definitions: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_to_property

i would love for you to define a version of ownership which doesn’t include being permitted to do what you’d like with it (barring interactions with other human beings – ie no you can’t bring guns with you everywhere because that implicitly threatens other people)

the ability to repair may or may not grow with the ability to manufacture, but there is no reason to assume it will not.

when we reach your magical future, the right to repair may be represented as DRM installed on your replicator unit which prevents your replicator from repairing a device unless you take it to an Authorized Apple Technician, or it might be represented as nothing because nothing is actually repairable. But assuming your version of the world is absolute fact on the time scale of 100 years is absolutely ridiculous.

“good luck doing magical thing without magical tool” is…technically accurate, but not useful.

oooh, only $400 for a low-end phone with poor battery life? sign mee uppp

so you’re saying windows laptops are better because they have better market share?

it def sounds like you’re saying that

except im pretty sure you would disagree with that, so i think, mayhaps, your argument is deeply flawed.