This is my fourth profile on the Fediverse lol. This time, I’m hoping Mbin is where I stay!

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jan 02, 2024


Honestly, that’s fair. Maybe I was being a little too harsh, plus this gen did come with more customizable settings (IE, setting to “performance mode” or “fidelity” mode)

I feel like we hear this every single time though. “Largest tech leap in a hardware generation” very much means “we’ll bump the graphics a little, we’re still targeting 30fps though”

How the hell do you even think “it’s fine, I’ll put this password in plain text” when literally building an app for a CREDIT UNION? Obviously it’s not acceptable to do that anywhere, but you would think they would think just a little bit harder about the decision when working with such sensitive data?

That’s why there’s mods! Also, if the caves get samey, you can always go end-busting or build a new project.

Minecraft. There’s always another automatic farm to create, a new cave to explore and a new mod to try out! Not to mention the fun that multiplayer brings…

Honestly, other than the questionable Pokemon-esque models, Pocketpair seem like they have really solid heads on their shoulders

Honestly, the gameplay was what kept me from finishing the game. It was not the best, and I felt like it really left a lot to be desired (specifically in controls and the “feel” of shooting).

Also before I get any comments about it, I’ve already seen the scenes at the end of the game and I’m really not interested in finishing it. I know what I’m missing, and I’m okay with that (as emotionally touching as it is).

Hmm, ones no one knows about…

Probably Icy: Frostbite Edition. Pretty solid, not something to get full-price necessarily but it was pretty good when I played it like 5 years ago. Interesting turn-based combat.

Also, OneShot. My avatar is from that game, I really think almost everyone should play it.

Well, that was intense lol.

Looked surprisingly polished for a project to “introduce the team” to the engine

I just got my first gaming laptop, so I’ve been going ham on Planet Coaster when I have time. Such a fun game and I am loving every single second - it’s like a grown-up RCT3, but 10x better.

I’ve been working my way through the Career section and I hope to finish it!

This is why I use a Pixel - sadly Google is gonna see this and say “great idea!” and charge for the Pixel AI features too now lol

Notable from the article: the option is disabled for mouse-and-keyboard players so this is to target tools meant to force it back on for an edge.

I remember MKBHD made a comment about the snow possibly being an issue opening the doors as well. Hoping these things were actually tested in super cold conditions