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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 11, 2023


I just picked up Ys 8 recently and fell in love, now I’m on to 9… biggest issue with the game is not enough time to play.

I don’t know how it would’ve tied into the “Witcher” arc… because I don’t think they were around yet? But I would have loved to had a game set during the “Conjunction of the Spheres”.

I don’t know what a “horribilis” is… but I don’t want it anywhere near my annus…

That’s what’s up… I’m looking for something new to play that’s outside my norm of JRPG/RPG/ARPG type game but it’s honestly been a PITA trying to find something.

This may not be the place to ask, so I apologize if I’m in error, but I know nothing about this game but I keep seeing it pop up. I never played the first one. Is it necessary to enjoy or can I pick this one up and dive right in?

Maybe you can explain this to me… I’ve heard this countless times over the years, but I can’t figure out how it’s measured?

Is it based on if MC is taking average human strides? It seems like a ridiculous metric.

I’d give em 50 bucks and a swift kick in the dick…but that’s the best I care to do.


Sorry they laugh at you choom…but everyone has a kink, glad you can bring pleasure to people.

The Original RDR has been termed “sandbox with a 6-gun”. It is infinitely more approachable, and in my humble opinion, the better of the two by far. It has none of the survival/camp manager nonsense, just you and your horse and plenty of random shenanigans to get up to.

Is this repack worth $50? Probably not… but this is definitely the more enjoyable (in everything but graphics) game.

No, majority of the money is in Mobile is how I read it… size of the spreads and all.

Nah, they should ditch consoles, the money is in PC anyways…

Sounds stupid, doesn’t it?

I vow to you, I will not rest, I will not sleep for an instant until I AM THE ONE rolling in their money piles. I should have that money, not them, me!

If they’re hurting for money, I’ll give em $3.50 for that statue.

Clever… maybe they can be taught. Steam on day 1 should go a long way to help their terrible numbers. I don’t condone any of the other shit they pull, but this is a good step in the right direction.

Nomura is retiring? Holy shit! That is the best news I’ve heard in years! Maybe we can start getting some decent fucking games out of Sqenix now…

I wouldn’t mind to see a return to form for battlefield… maybe a more “realistic” type game, like the Medal of Honor reboot back on ps3 or the older BF games like Bad Company…

But this chasing the dragon trying to compete with CoD is going to cost them every time…

If they don’t put 4 in the next volume, they’re dumber than anyone gave them credit for.

Yeah, list is by no means comprehensive. Just one a friend and I came up with discussing this one day.

The Legend of Dragoon





Wild Arms

Twisted Metal

Ape Escape

Syphon Filter

Gravity Rush

Dark Cloud

Why don’t we try ANY one of these…?

Sorry for the confusion, my response was based on your information from social media reviews. I’m working on finding the exact article I’m referring to.

I’m basing my information on the developers own words…they said the target was 30fps… which is lazy in this day and age.

And of course I’ll play it on PC… I’d not waste my time on console.
