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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 04, 2023


If you ever feel like doing a second playthrough (the side quests and DLCs are fun) then train with captain Bernard, the captain in Ratttay, he teaches you some combos and blocks that make combat a whole lot more manageable.

There’s all sorts of reasons being unionized could help create a better product.

Hopefully it means less insane crunch but it’s still up to the higher ups to say “ok good enough” and release before it’s polished right?

Yes you’re correct, but the union beyond just meaning less crunch, also means that the average worker has more pathways to be vocal about problems with the product. They also now have a “nuclear option” of going on strike if management makes a decision regarding the product that the union really doesn’t like.

Beyond all that though, even just basic stuff like job satisfaction/happiness at your job, can lead to a better product in creative industries, and unions are proven to lead to happier workers.

Oh this could definitely be it, let the union exist, get the good press, and then fuck them hard in contract negotiations.

Microsoft has actually voluntarily recognized a gaming company union before. It seems they prefer to voluntarily recognize the unions and then fight them during the contract phase, not sure exactly why they do it this way instead of trying to stonewall the first step like most companies.

It’s objectively not. It was great back when Oblivion came out

It objectively is for their use case. What do you want them to do? Switch to Unreal? Switch to Unity? Switch to any other pre-built engine? They can’t, none of those will work for their use case without major modification.

Want them to create an entirely new engine from scratch? I mean, they could do that, but that would involve throwing away 20 years of innovation and experience on this product and would delay any projects massively.

Want them to massively update their engine? They just did with Starfield’s Creation Engine 2.0, which fixed or improved 90% of their engine issues and is a massive overhaul of their original engine.

This is a company that recently sold for several billion dollars, they’ve undoubtedly had a team investigating what they could to do their engine for at least a decade, and they’ve decided that this path is the only realistic one for them.

But I’m sure you know better than the large team that does this for a living. /s

It would be pretty much a copy/paste fix in the engine. They have just opted not to.

You either misunderstood the comment you’re replying to or don’t know how the unofficial patch works or both.

99% of what the Unnofficial patch fixes have absolutely nothing to do with the engine. For example, we’ll use the Skyrim Unnoficial Patch, easily the biggest and most popular. It fixes literally nothing in the engine, it fixes certain models not having textures wrapped correctly, it fixes certain meshes or textures having small errors like clipping, it adds a new flag for a town that didn’t have a flag in the original for some reason, the absolute closest it gets to an “engine fix” is fixes for different scripts that sometimes fire incorrectly.

Literally none of these are engine issues or fixes. Sure, they definitely should’ve fixed them before releasing the game, but it’s not like these are engine issues that have somehow persisted for 20 years. They’re very small bugs with models, textures, and scripts, which are all individual game issues, not engine issues.

Fo3 had a small update recently to get rid of Games For Windows Live and to fix Windows 10/11 compatibility.

The FNV update was probably something similar.

That wasn’t exactly on Todd Howard, though? There was going to be a new update for Fallout 4, and everyone, especially every modder, knew that for at least a year beforehand.

There are 5 other even larger projects in development other than Fallout London, Fallout London was the only one to come out and blame Bethesda for a foreseeable delay.

Why would it not follow that Steam using the same percentage - with lower costs and none of the physical-based risk - is simply greed?

Most of the retailers mentioned in that article were also digital only and had the exact same or less risk. Steam certainly does a lot to try and get people’s money, but they aren’t just greedily fucking over Devs for that 30%, that is in fact industry standard.

I also have no doubt that Epic will enshitify itself and raise its rate closer to 30% after growing.

The first game was funded through Kickstarter and a random Czech millionaire who really liked history. I don’t exactly blame them for not having the marketing budget needed to really make to first game as successful as it could’ve.

Hopefully, the amazing success of the first game can propell the second into being the Skyrim level RPG success they deserve.

Oh there’s many many many more than just Skywind.

There’s Skywind and Skyblivion.

And then the Fallout 4 Capital Wasteland team that’s been remaking the DLCs and main game of Fallout 3.

Then there’s the Fallout 4 New Vegas team, which has been doing the same but for New Vegas.

Then there’s the Fallout 2 remaster team mentioned in this article (Project Arroyo).

And then there’s the Fallout 1 remaster team (Project Vault 13).

There’s also mods being developed that are entirely new areas, such as Fallout London, Fallout Miami, and Fallout Cascadia. Along with the Elder Scrolls equivalents of Beyond Skyrim’s teams, Nirn Uncharted, and Apotheosis, which aims to have all the daedric realms.

Despite any blunders Bethesda might have made, their modding community is thriving now better than ever.

Edit: Also all of these projects have Discord servers where they post regular progress updates.

Ehhh kind of? After watching it, it feels a lot more like they want to show the rebuilding of the NCR, so I wouldn’t exactly say they did things to the NCR just because they wanted a more Mad Max Apocalypse style.

It’s Pokémon but with the ability to commit war crimes or just hang out with cool animals if that’s more of your thing ig.

While that’s definitely possible, Bethesda games always take unpredictable trajectories.

I wouldn’t take it dipping below their most beloved game in player count as it being a flop just yet.

Yeah, my first build was a stealth character, I did it just fine. You’re mostly likely specing your builds wrong for stealth or wearing a million pounds of armor clanking around thinking you’re being stealthy. There’s specific armor pieces meant for stealth, which also help a ton.

The weapon modding isn’t broken. If you find a gun with a suppressor, you can take that off and put it on the same model as yours. I don’t think needing a skill/crafting to make a whole suppressor warrants the game being called broken.

Yeah, they could’ve done better with the New Game+ for sure, which to me isn’t exactly surprising since it’s their first main line game to have it.

I do appreciate that there are considerable differences to the story on certain replays, but it’s a slog doing basically the same thing every time. I wish there was a bit more variance.

The flying between or into planets/loading screen issue, I think, is entirely due to the pressure from management announcing early, and then a rush to meet the original deadline, and then another rush to meet the Microsoft mandated delay. Fixing it could’ve been worth it, but it would’ve certainly taken an uncertain number of months, which wasn’t worth it to management or microsoft.

I do think it will be remembered fondly eventually just like every other mainline Bethesda game has been, though.

Yep, as someone who beat it several times, I agree with this. Its a great game, but is unpolished at launch like any bethesda game, 5 years from now it will have memorable gamer cultural references and a consistent modding/playerbase.

With the love of using the game engine to create entirely new games that bethesda fans have, I’m basically expecting a Star Wars/Star Trek total overhaul mod within the next decade.

Ah okay fair enough, I’m not super knowledgeable about the newer software sided stuff like DLSS and Upscaling. I didn’t realize the AMD upscaling worked on all systems.

I saw tests where the upscaling performed comparatively worse on Nvidia and Intel rather than AMD and assumed that the upscaling was actually exclusive, my apologies.

Any chance you’re on an Nvidia card perhaps? It was shipped with only AMD upscaling because for some stupid reason it’s an industry standard to ship with time limited exclusivity for some stuff like that.

I’ve found that the mod (and probably update in the future) to add Nvidia DLSS helps a lot.

Still dumb that behind door deals between executives/sales can hinder otherwise good games like this though.

That’s simply not true.

Apple made 18 billion dollars off gaming in 2021

Yet Sony made over 20 billion dollars from gaming

And Microsoft isn’t too far behind either of them. Apple makes a lot of money for sure, but it’s not the most, and it’s definitely not orders of magnitude more.