Most prolific penis of the founding fathers

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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Apr 18, 2024


What? You’re in the minority here. DA2 is known as one of the most notoriously bad sequels ever made.

It was obviously made under extreme time constraints, as well as by a different team due to EA meddling.

It is a blatantly unfinished game that had good ideas that didn’t get enough time in the oven.

Great writeup man.

Thank FUCK Happy Chaos didn’t win again.

Don’t believe those numbers for one fucking second.

They are charging $11,500 to get access to their conjob “gamer statistics”

Actual hot garbage. If you want some real entertainment that this game WON’T provide, go to the dragon age subreddit and read the copium people are huffing there.

I don’t believe those numbers for a second, and they’re trying to charge 3k for access. That’s absurd.