I really like that there was a whole thing about building a super-weapon where players had to complete quests or whatever to contribute to its development. Then enough players compete the quest and the weapon was completed, and it turned out to be an orbital bombardment that killed enemies and players indiscriminately.
A lot of players were pissed but it’s so aggressively in-character I can’t imagine how they didn’t see it coming.
Patent No. 7545191
Patent No. 7493117
Patent No. 7528390
Note that every single one of these patents was filed after palworld was released, and they’re all awfully vague about what they actually cover.
I hadn’t played in years and started a new world a few weeks ago. I just started setting up a raill system when the update hit and now the whole thing is fucked. Gotta tear up a bunch of diagonal sections and re-do them noe that the new track angles lead to different accessible grid points. I literally cannot connect new rails to the old rails on the diagonal section 🙃
Salesforce is (unsurprisingly) tailored towards sales teams, not necessarily dev teams. They’ve been branching out into more of a “full business solution” but the dev stuff isn’t really a strong competitor with the bigger names like Atlassian.
Slack (which, admittedly, was acquired by Salesforce) is probably the closest comparison to this.
My favorite fortress fail was from a were-iguana. A visitor turned into a giant iguana in the middle of the dining hall and caused a minor ruckus before my militia dispatched it. 2/10 invasion, really not that special.
Then next full moon there were 7 of them, including my militia commander. Oops. Pay attention to combat logs when you fight a were-creature! Quarantine the bitten!
he is also responsible for several of Nintendo’s other hit games – among them The Legend of Zelda, whose latest instalment just topped many of 2023’s game of the year lists.
Did the author not actually check any GotY lists, or do they only look at GotY lists by hard-core Nintendo fans? Because none of the big industry lists had TotK at the top.
Any map-staring enthusiasts? I’ve been playing Europa Universals 4 lately.
Started as Ethiopia, got up to Egypt before the Ottomans but they got Syria. I got all of the Arabian Peninsula and nearly all of East/Central Africa, but I’ve been so behind in tech that I can’t actually challenge the Ottos (kept them at bay by allying a strong Poland/Commonwealth). Finally, around 1600 I’m caught up and about to start making my final push towards Constantinople.
I just picked up all the DLC in the last steam sale so I’m getting back into it. I’ve played a lot of dwarf fortress so the QoL improvements Rimworld brings are awesome (though I still prefer DF’s simulation granularity).
My Prophet and Leader got married and have 2 children so I’m trying to decide how exactly I want to develop my ideology into a cult centered around that family. Though it’s rough going right now because I embarked without a good builder so I can’t build AC units.
Haven’t used much of the Royalty/psychic powers other than building a throne, though.
RIP Defect 😭