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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


Have you taken a look at TheDarkMod? It’s a Thief 1&2-like game with several fantastic campaigns.

To be fair, i386 support was removed from the mainline kernel in 2013, and 486SX support was strongly considered to be dropped in 2022.

Just started Baldurs Gate 3 and have been enjoying it so far. My biggest complaint is that the keyboard map is just off enough from the Owlcats Pathfinder games that I keep screwing up small things.

Also looking at getting back into the system Shock remake since the big box finally showed up yesterday.

I just finished my third playthrough of it. I was disappointed to find out at the end that I screwed up one of the story points I was going after, but oh well. It was still a fun experience. After three time though I doubt I’ll go through it again. Still one of my favorites.

I don’t know about twitter, but its very easy to download all of your data from Facebook. I did it yesterday in preparation for closing my account. Account->Settings&Privacy->Your Information->Download Your Information.

Not a game per se, but I’m probably going to get a Switch2 on launch day. I have a Switch Lite, but want to be able to play couch multiplayer with my kids, starting with Mario Kart and some dancing game to get in some activity.

I’m going to try getting back into RDR2, and start on Undertale and Prey. Maybe Shadowrun: Hong Kong and Fallout 4?

Huh. Thief 1&2, System Shock 1&2 and Deus Ex make up half of my top 10 games list. But multiplayer? I donno, maybe if there is also a good single player campaign I’ll be interested. I’d be happy with a modern Thief 1&2 remaster. NewDark and TheDarkMod are great, but I’d love to have full raytracing in Thief.

It’s mostly covers of pop songs from the last 50-60 years in a bunch of different styles. The stand outs for me are Fortunate Son, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun and Everybody Wants To Rule The World.

I’d love to see a System Shock remake type project for them. It’s not as necessary due to NewDark but would still be nice.

Then add Thief 1&2 to the list so that you really get where those two came from. They both still hold up surprisingly well due to fan support.

I really, really want to like KCD, but after a bad experience early on I’ve never been able to get back into it. There is a mission fairly early on where you need to sneak from one end of a large map to the other. There was a lot to do and explore on it, so it probably took me 60-90 minutes. Then right at the end I got jumped by 4-5 soldiers and died. And because of KCDs aggressivly-anti save system, I would have had to repeat the entire thing. I get that KCD is supposed to be super hard core, but I’m a busy dad of two small kids. Finding an uninterrupted pocket of 90 minutes to enjoy a game is a rare luxury, so having it ended like that completely soured the game for me.

More games need a “busy parent” easy mode.

I’m not saying it doesn’t work. I’ve set several things from GoG up using Lutris. But in Steam it’s a two step process:

  1. Click Install
  2. Click Play

I want that level of ease from GoG.

I’ve been really enjoying my current Pathfinder:Kingmaker run going for the true ending.

My development PC running linux (I don’t use Arch, BTW) + Steam has by far the most games I’m interested in playing. Games that I have played my entire life run great, through DOSBox, Proton, native, or console emulators.

That being said, I still have a huge soft spot from my old 3DS and wish I still had it. Sure the Switch is great, but the 3DS had so many fun little quirky features that it was just fun to use as well as play games on.

System Shock (2023) just had a big new patch and is just about to tick over the one year mark. Seems like a great time to play it again for the first time.

I say yes both to SS2 and Thief 1&2. SS2 has several way for approaching most problems, a great story, lots of lore and a lot of character customization. It does lack story choice, but I feel thats ok for the setting.

Thief 1&2 are a bit more of a stretch, but if you like playing Deus Ex as a stealthy character, it will scratch that side of things. There isn’t any character customization or story choices, but each level can be approached lots of different ways and they are all very atmospheric, with conspiracies and great story telling.

That’s going to be a function of your SD card reader and the quality of the card itself. If you’re really concerned, copy it to your HDD, then read again and verify. And then when writing, do a verify step as well.

Uh, you very much can take an image of an SD card, the same as with any other block device.

I’d suggest Shadowrun: Dragonfall. Fairly simple mechanics, character building and inventory. Great storytelling and characters in a familiar but fantastic setting.

After getting annoyed at New Vegas, I picked up Red Dead Redemption 2 and have been really enjoying it. I kind want to get a cowboy hat, not ironically. My wife would probably hate it though.

I keep wanting to like New Vegas, but find that after a few hours it becomes more of an inventory management game than anything else. Has anyone had success with getting mods running under Linux?

Once upon a time the entire internet was an irrelevant nerd clubhouse. Those were good days.

Honestly, that’s not that bad? If we were to turn off every data center if would barely impact world energy use and electricity is getting cleaner every day. Of course we should push to get better faster, but this doesn’t seem like a big source of low hanging fruit.

Well, it’s big and great relative to what it used to be. But it’s still pretty limited compared to Windows. As an example, about 40% of my Steam library runs in Linux natively or officially supported by Proton. Another 20% runs ok enough through Proton, though not officially supported. That leaves 40% that I’m rebooting to windows to play. And, of course, that game I’m most playing right now is one of those.

60% of my library running in Linux is amazing compared to what it used to be, but still isn’t enough to convince a serious gamer to switch.

Oy definitely, I can see a box that is a combo LiFi/WiFi access point with a single ethernet/fiber optic cable running to it providing the best network available for each device becoming a standard ceiling fixture in offices and tech forward homes.

Here’s the first two scenarios that come to mind, if/when the price becomes reasonable.

  1. In a typical cube farm, you could string up a very small number of these in the drop ceiling and have Ethernet level speeds without having to run cables to every single desk. It should be a much easier install.

  2. At home, I could run an drop for these through my attic to the one or two rooms where I use a lot of bandwidth, eg my home office and living room. Again, an easier install than running Ethernet through the ceiling, down the walls and to every piece of equipment in those rooms.

For most people I’m not sure if it would be worth it, but I could certainly see it in those niches.

Pretty much. I wouldn’t worry too much about interference from other light sources, as they are likely to be basically steady and not modulating.

Theoretical max for Wi-Fi in the 60GHz spectrum in 7G/s. Theoretical max for Li-Fi is 228G/s. Of course, no one is hitting those maxes now but in general Li-Fi is about 10x faster in the real world, or at least is you have the right prototype equipment.

Physics reason- LiFi uses shorter wavelengths so can switch faster.