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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Jul 12, 2024


I believe there’s a Tabletop Simulator version out, but I don’t have TTS so can’t say for sure.

Dune Imperium: Uprising. Gotten my whole group into it. Might organise a tournament for the heck of it.

If Frostpunk is their idea of a “narrative-driven, story-rich game”, I can see why they have concerns.

That may have been true a decade ago, but nowadays unless you’re trying to squeeze out top-tier graphics performance (which isn’t the case with this game) you only need to worry about the control scheme. The code can be compiled for multiple platforms.

IMO, it does. Awards showcase and highlight ‘best of’ games, but what’s the point of highlighting a game that is inaccessible to a significant portion of the gaming community? You could potentially make the argument that their purpose is more towards recognising the efforts and success of the devs, but that’s not the aspect of awards that are being discussed in this context.

Ah. I’m guessing most people missed the joke :)

Wut? Pan European Game Information (PEGI) is the European equivalent of ESRB. Their ratings matter because they have an obvious bias against indies, which hurts their sales.

You’re being funny, right? Tell me you’re just kidding

Your “source” is an image

Also, Steam’s estimated revenue and the PC gaming market are numbers available from various sources. I’ve pointed out why your source is nonsense, and provided more accurate figures.

uses it to their benefit which doesn’t (in my opinion) coincide with consumer benefit

That’s changed from your original ‘behave like a monopoly’ comment, and which I’m still waiting for clarification on. How exactly do they behave like a monopoly supposedly does?

I’ve experienced losing my old email address, and all traces of my old digital identity. They went above and beyond to work with me till I could prove to their satisfaction that I was the original owner of the account, then restored it to me. Steam support is generally amazing.

Lawsuits are cheap and meaningless. Unless actually ruled on, they don’t mean crap (and even then, sometimes it’s just clear evidence of jury / judge bias, like the infamous patent trolls of East Texas).

70-80% of pc market share

This source puts their market share at ~20% of the PC gaming market. Your source is for ‘85% market share in multi-publisher PC game stores’, which is not the same thing, and it’s based on a random tweet by their competitor CEO attacking them, which should carry approximately 0 credibility.

You keep using the word monopoly. It does not mean what you seem to think it means.

Ah. I was not expecting numbers for 2023 under a 2003 year heading.

Steam has an estimated revenue of 8.6bn out of PC gaming’s overall 45bn.

Do you have a source on that? I’d love to quote it in future

games by them have drm by default

No, they don’t. Unless otherwise implemented, Steam games are DRM free and can be launched directly from their executables.

they do behave like a monopoly

As evidenced by this post, they are not a monopoly. So what does this statement actually mean?

Try to find new friends, or a community where your interests are shared. Anybody who makes fun of another person for their interests is not a good friend.

So, 13 years down the road, it’s still too early to buy and play Terraria. Gotta wait till Redigit drops dead and hope nobody else picks up his mantle and releases more content for the game.

You know, there’s still new editions of Tetris coming out with twists…

It’s extra subclasses. You wouldn’t have been able to play all the subclasses anyway without starting a new run and spending extra time, so your argument is dead in the water from the start. Not that it matters, because your argument would basically be ‘never buy an indie game until its creator is dead’ or ‘creators must never release new content for their games’. The Terraria and Stardew Valley crowd would love your take on this.

They did. Support was discontinued from the start of 2024. That you’ve been using it up to now without any problems is literally because they didn’t break anything on purpose. As long as none of the software changes it will continue to work.

MICROSOFT cut off support for windows 7. Is steam supposed to continue support for the entire OS?

Given how much Bloons sells for (something like 1USD?), I can’t say I’m not getting my money’s worth. The devs do have to get fed somehow.

Steam DRM doesn’t have quite the same history of maliciousness towards end users that Denuvo does

It’s a standard YouTube video, what are you going on about?

nearly impossible to actually find the few good games within the massive crush of shovelware

So exactly like gaming in the 90s and 00s? You can’t have it both ways

In a good or bad way? Not that I’m getting it till the price drops to a reasonable level

Yeah, imagine if steam could implement a setting so that you could only see these games if you enabled said setting. Oh, wait…