Just an anxious, depressed loser

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Joined 8M ago
Cake day: May 03, 2024


Thank you. People just ignore that difficulty settings literally means they can still have it fucking difficult as they want, or more so. Gamers are fucking ridiculous, I swear. Try to advocate for accessibility and they act like you’re talking about murdering their mother.

It’s almost like making a game fully accessible to most people will mean more people will play it… Hmm… 🤔🤔🤔

I literally don’t give a fuck what excuse you use. Difficulty and accessibility options should be included. Period.

Mogh is like, one of the hardest bosses. I had more trouble with him than the final few bosses of the story, Godfrey and Radagon and their subsequent phases.

Actually I just think there are far more sex pests than you would hope, and they are literally everywhere. It’s very alarming.

Literally all he had to do was NOT inappropriately message a minor. And what did he do?

God I love it when rich and famous people get what they fucking deserve for the shit they do.

Oh fuck. I heard she was 17 and that was fucking bad enough as is. Fucking hell this man is awful.

If he is enjoying his work and able to continue living as he is doing it, then why must he “move on”? Why can’t he continue to make content for Stardew? Why are you thinking he is “unhealthy”?

I think this may either make me stay on 10 or actively switch over to something free and open source. This is wild, I can’t believe people would want this type of “feature”. Yeah I can see it being helpful but it is not worth the privacy concerns.

We were going to be badass BOUNTY HUNTERS on an ALIEN PLANET and it would’ve been so fucking cool! I loved the original game, I love Prey 2017, but I’m salty we never got the 2 they revealed.

It really did fuck things up which is depressing. The game was a masterpiece of an immersive sim and the atmosphere of the whole game is like no other. With a different name, I think it could’ve sold better. Even I avoided it because I was mad about Prey 2 being canned and the reused name, until I saw Markiplier play it and fell in love almost immediately. Such a beautiful game that deserved better.

AAA gaming is doomed, it has been irreversibly tainted by capitalism and I don’t think it can recover. Indie games are where it’s at, typically higher quality and much cheaper. It’s shameful how terrible most AAA games are nowadays because they have to put in excuses for microtransactions. It’s depressing but I think we’re truly entering a golden age for indies and other smaller budget games.