• 18 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 16, 2023


This isn’t exactly, but it actually looks like a really useful tool. Thank you!

Mine just has an icon that looks like fingers crossed lol ;-D

I’ll have a look at it thanks.

I’ve tried it I think this feature requires paying.

Fing doesn’t do what I asked for. I have Fing on iPhone and Android. It won’t let you define your own ip range.

Oddly, I set mine to 2x because I like the animation being more… Animated. If I wanted speed I would just turn animation off.

Sounds good, I will lookup the syntax. Thank you for the recommendation!

Lokking for a free basic IP range scanner
I want to scan specified range. I don't want something that just scans the default network. I'm trying to scan a subnet on a VPN I'm connected to. Would love something like Angry Scanner.

I’ll tell you I think with this specific device it’s just poor planning but there are plenty of bottom rung devices that suck because yeah, they’re made to be worse than all the other devices by that manufacturer in that product line. Manufacturer ABCo wants you to buy their product. They want everyone to have their product and no one else’s. But there’s a price level that’s below anything they make, and so, in order to still get you to buy their brand, they market this bottom of the barrel quality product for just this kind of scenario. They can’t make it good because then why would anyone pay for the next tier up? So they make it appealing-seeming, but sucky enough for you to eventually want something better. And then they’re hoping you’ll buy one of their better products.

But with this device even without multitasking, just browsing the web in Firefox is sometimes so bad that I tap the address bar and it takes like 5 seconds for the keyboard to come up.

So yeah… when I bought this I had in mind that I would mod it in whatever way possible.

Yeah the weird thing is it can run smoothly on occasion but when you start doing things it slows down to a crawl in seconds. I stripped so much out of it via ADB and still the simplest things do such awful weigh-down, like even keeping zoom level at minimum the settings app won’t even paint itself and you have to use shortcuts to go to a settings page specifically.

I want an Android that is as minimal as possible. I don’t need gaming hub or game optimization engine running but it seems to sometimes cause a problem if it’s disabled. Like they cross-referenced all these modules within the base elements of parts of the OS so disabling some things that are totally unnecessary can still break things in the foundation because from the development standpoint they always assume it’s all there. I’m not entirely positive of this, I could be mistaken, and I hope I am because it seems extraordinarily sloppy.

This unit is an exercise in unrealized potential because of being bloated down by an unreliable overcoat.

I don’t want Lineage on this thing anyway.

Any currently available GSI or AOSP for Galaxy Tab A7 Lite?
The ones on XDA have dead links or have no workable instructions. Anyone have a complete repository with proper insructions? My T220 was very affordable but honestly, it's brutally slow. OneUI is too heavy for these resources. I don't want Lineage, since it does not allow moving apps to SD. A solid generic Android with Root would be just ((((_chef's kiss_)))). The device already has Developer options set to allow OEM unlocking and I have adb etc. on PC. I hope someone has something good for me. Thanks.

I’ll take a look at the Magisk one to see what it can do, thanks!

It should never be such a pain. TotalCommander allowed me to use any of my thousand TTF fonts by browsing to them and selecting one. That’s it. Simple and instant. It only works within the app for display, though. Of course, TotalCommander was made by the best, works on every device literally and fails at nothing at all. Maybe the Android developers should ask them how to code.

Valid points! Like I was saying to some others, I don’t really need a setting to go into and say here’s my own fonts, but I don’t like that it’s not even doable (unless you know how to backdoor it?)

By the way, thank you for that link!!! That article is insightful as well as reminding me that there are other people who think exactly like I do; I was thinking it’s like I could have written it myself, it’s so in-line with how I think and what I complain about! I practically gushed when he made the CSI:NY reference without drawing attention to it.😄

Well Google search stopped being about accuracy quite a while ago. It’s all about money now and directing searches to the highest bidder.

I don’t think Boolean operators are not able to be used anymore, are you sure about that?

I’m so sick and tired of literally everything in the world that has beautiful potential quickly getting turned into just another way to shovel in cash by feeding stupid and troglodyte level sophistication.

Can not one fucking thing remain intelligent and noble? Do we get nothing at all? Everyone sells out, ultimately - and I don’t even think it’s always by choice. Call me a conspiracy nut but I’ve long ago concluded that there are authorities maintaining an influence and status quo of ignorance and stupidity, and anyone who dares to try to serve up something better gets threatened or killed, bought out, whatever needed to put an end to their honorable intentions.

Lots of people do real work on iPads and iPads have plenty of fonts. iOS while not as easy as on a desktop, does let you add fonts. Maybe it’s one reason why Android has all but entirely abandoned the idea of tablets. iPad is what everyone goes for because they’re meeting the users’ needs - mostly, anyway.

I love Android and wish it would be able to promise the same because I have much more freedom to customize and I have more authority over the software, storage, and more things. It’s just many factors seem to have been neglected, and rather than “it’s on the todo,” the attitude seems to be “no; you don’t need or want that,” and that’s supposed to be Apple’s sanctimonious stance, not Android.

I’m not sure how much of what you’re saying is accurate, but my iPhone has like thirty fonts. Android has five. I’m not asking for something unreasonable; I should be able to expect it and be surprised and disappointed that it’s such a prohibitive notion.

All my Windows computers over the years have had hundreds of custom fonts I’ve installed. Never once had malicious code in a font, and that’s Windows - the biggest target for viruses.

I’m just saying by now it should not be considered superfluous or some kind of luxury, it should be considered expectable.

It’s just for research and experimentation; none of these are on actual active duty.

Well, what I obviously meant is obsessed with controlling others and others’ behavior, possessions and lives.

Well, several of my devices are rooted, one has Cyanogen one has Lineage and I’m working on a few others to see what I can put on there. I’m using Iconeration to make custom icon collections for my screens the way they appeal to me.

Everyone is obsessed with control. Fuck that and fuck them. Thank goodness the EU is hammering down on manufacturers and protecting consumer rights. That ends up propagating to the U.S.A. just because of inertia and it’s not worth making things multiple ways. But it would never happen here on its own because these companies write our laws. It’s good there’s still countries where the peoples’ liberties are protected. But I digress.

Ooh thanks. I will look into it.

I know Samsung has a variety but they charge for them. Fuck that I have like a thousand TTF files. But I’ll look at that app thank you. I tried iFont it doesn’t support the device I happen to try but I have several others I’ll see if any are supported.

Yeah the ringtones used to be a pain in the ass because the carriers really wanted to make you buy them. But you could always use an mp3 converted into m4a format and then just rename the extension to m4r and sync it. But the way I do it is I use garage band. You make a new empty project from recording (don’t actually record anything) then import an mp3 onto the track and export then go into files and select the file and command make ringtone. The instructions are online now and ubiquitous. It used to be a secret lol. It takes like all of a minute to do.

That’s why my initial suspicion was with the fonts maybe they want you to buy fonts, because I did see in the Samsung store I think there are some for purchase but screw that. I downloaded the free ones and they get added to the settings list. There’s an app called iFont but it doesn’t support all devices, just some.

Anyway, I just think it’s rather pathetic. Back 30 years ago I was tilting a dump truck of TTFs into any computer I used so I’d have all the fonts I wanted. I had a repository of a few hundred megabytes of them. Still have them lol.

So why is it, 30 years later and a “Smart”phone can’t fucking let me import a font file.



Why the hell is installing new fonts such a foreign concept?
Adding fonts to an OS is ancient, so it is baffling to me to have such trouble finding any resources on how to add my fonts to Android. How many fundamentals do they have to turn decades backward?

Need an app recommendation
Hi all, So, what I need is a utility that will allow me to select any of my installed apps, and it will parse all installed icon packs and display all icons it finds for said app, and display them labeled with their respective pack names.

Ok thanks. This is just an experiment at the moment it’s not my actual phone it’s a spare. I have a bunch of phones that are a little old and I’ve been testing out roms to see what I like.

Oh, yeah the extended storage mode is iffy. They’re all iffy to be sure, and I’ve seen icons be faded upon boot also but immediately they catch up and show solid.

Ironically, at least in my experience it is better to leave the SD as external, and use developer options to allow moving app to external even if not in the manifest. It’s all about what apps you choose to move, less about the performance. Like I said, I don’t move apps that need to run realtime and read and write data regularly, but stuff like icon packs, books, stuff like that, really anything that loads data only occasionally.

Right now, my real phone is still iPhone, but I’m thinking I’ll change to android eventually. But I use several android devices as additional pocket computers.

I can’t fathom why lineage devs made it like, not feasible. That should be up to the user. I did try to integrate some SD cards as extended internal storage but it fails every time with some java error and reports the SD corrupted. Lol three brand new chips are not corrupted dumbass Lineage lol. Good ones, too! So yeah, they effectively wrote it off as not an option. That’s the one problem I have at the moment that I strongly disapprove. Other than that, the performance is insane! Similar with Cyanogen.

I still want to try out stuff like ResurrectionRemix, Havoc, /e/ and maybe Rising. For now I’m content mostly with Lineage on this Galaxy S5 but I really want to get something working that will let me move apps to the SD.

Thank you for all the replies and your insights. Greatly appreciated!

Hey do you think you can recommend a good utility to move apps to the SD card? I understand that performance is a major issue and I’ve even seen apps not work properly when run off there, which is why I only ever move things like Icon Packs or other referential apps, not stuff that needs to function in realtime and stay loaded. But Lineage does not allow this, even if you turn it on in developer options. Pretty sure that even being there is only an oversight. But the device I’m toying with only has 16GB internal, and icon packs are huge and absolutely don’t need to be on internal.

do gatekeep pretty hard.

Yeah, what the hell is up with that?? It seems like they go out of their way to provide the content, but be ambiguous as they can about getting it to use. Who are they trying to impress? Some people have speculated it’s just plain laziness, which I would not discount, but it seems like uniform laziness which would be weird. The instructions to install Lineage on this device were only the second set of instructions I’ve found that were coherent and comprehensive. I have tried to understand many others but they were really just plain incomplete!

Hey, dude or dudette, This worked perfectly! Thank you so much. On XDA forums these people write instructions like their abbreviating stuff on a grocery list. All it said for root was “get the latest magisk.zip from GitHub and install.” Um - first of all, there’s no zip from there, you need to rename the apk to zip - which he made no mention of. Second, saying to install an app is normally just running the apk in a file manager. Piss poor instructions from those guys. And that’s consistent with pretty much almost all instructions I’ve seen over the past like year… YOU should be writing instructions on those pages FFS. And this you provided to me from memory! Dude/Dudette, you’re AWESOME. Thank you.

And it’s crazy also because I do not understand what the aging fuck I just did, and yet I’ve run my own IT company for nearly two decades. I think it’s because mobile devices are so much in their own little pocket tech world. I dealt mostly with hardware and OS such as Windows and Linux, and software and network engineering and support. Mobile phones are such a separate cosmos.

Anyway, thank you again, a million times! I appreciate your help so much. I would gladly return the favor if you ever need something that I can provide. Peace out.

P.S. the only difference was in TWRP now you don’t go to install, they have a separate ADB Sideload button. Other than that, literally step by step it was perfect instructions and took all of like 3 minutes in total. Most of that was the reboots lol.

I will try this, thank you!! I appreciate the fast response, too!

Question: sideload how? Sorry, I am not completely familiar… should I just adb push it onto the internal disk? Also, should I leave the existing installation on there?

One last question: why is the latest shown on github as 27 yet the app downloads 28 to update?

Maybe someone can help with Lineage and rooting
Hey all, I have been trying to revitalize a Galaxy S5. I installed Lineage 17 and while the performance is AMAZING and I mean that seriously, I can't figure out how to root. I got Magisk, but it's asking me to patch a file. I don't know what now. Prior to Lineage, I rooted the stock android with a rooting tool that was extremely quick and easy. Just sent a file in Odin while in download mode and it did the rest. But I'm fairly sure that same utility can't be used on Lineage as it's a whole new system. What I would like is either help doing this, or if anyone knows a better rom to use that comes with root ability - and also the ability to move apps to the SD. For some reason, Lineage won't do this adequately, and stock android has no problem with it whatsoever. That's a step down in my opinion just because of dev's personal philosophy but whatever. Anyway. Thanks if anyone can help.

Recommend an app please?
I'd like an app that can let me choose icons for each of my apps, from any of the packs that I have installed. Once I choose for all my apps, I want to create a standalone app from the set I created. I have the app Iconeration, which does almost all of this, but the apk it produces only indexes what icons to use from what existing packs, it does not actually embed them within. Now, I could save the icons I like and create a pack from scratch, but I would prefer if that was all automated. And I'd like it to be FOSS preferably. If there is such a thing, please let me know? Thanks.

This is getting downright creepy. The site androidfilehost has thousands of listings. I go through alphabetically, on page 54 it goes from Spirit to Stylo. Splendor is NOT EVEN LISTED.

What the hell is it with this phone that its existence has nearly been erased from the internet???

No idea. I just went through the lgstockroms website… over 1,220 models listed across 52 pages. This one is not fucking there.

What the hell? I just don’t get it. This isn’t the first time some weird arbitrary-seeming absence has occurred in tech that I’ve seen.

Years ago I bought a business class Netgear wireless router that offered everything that was at the top of the line at the time. It wasn’t for me it was for a family member. The thing operated flawlessly, performance was absolutely perfect, the management interface was clean, intuitive and sensibly designed.

It was a little strange because it wasn’t advertised on the business class products listings in my distributor’s catalog, nor in the consumer listings either. I somehow stumbled upon it by accident and ordered it. Price was good and specs were good. Also never had seen it in a store anywhere ever.

Like a year later I wanted to get this same product for someone who needed that kind of solution. Could not find it anywhere. Could also not find a single trace of its existence. No reference on their website or anything. Like it never existed!

I called Netgear at the time I was a reseller directly with them, and I had to go through several people to find anyone who’d even heard of it. I explained everything I have written here, and asked why it was like it never existed? This guy says to me “You say it was perfect?” I’m like “Yes!” He says “And it operates with no trouble whatsoever, and it handles everything well, and no need for anything else, and it’s easy to use and doesn’t fail, and has no defects or design flaws, and the software has no bugs?” I was like “Yes yes yes and yes! Why are there none of these around and why is it impossible to find???”

He responded “Haven’t you already answered your own question?”

I don’t know much about this LG phone because I acquired it second-hand and rooted it. Then after tinkering for a bit I made a change in the root privileges that it should elevate superuser immediately upon booting. This was apparently a problem and it is now in this unusable state. But I gotta say the little I used it, it seemed fantastic! Performed smoothly, easily rooted, ran really nicely given its humble specs. Maybe this is one of those cases where they really don’t want it on the market because it was too reliable and lacked nothing. I imagine the files I’ve been looking for have been gone for a long time already. This kind of thing happens more than most people know. A brand puts out a product that’s just awesome and nobody would want any alternative for that class of product, and would not need to replace it soon either. That’s not good for business the way business works these days. They rely on their products being just good enough to make it sell, but plenty of hidden awfulness to make sure you’ll need something new soon enough. That’s what makes billions not millions.

So maybe this is one such item.

Hey thanks for these. Question: Can you think of any reason why the site firmwarefile.com has EVERY goddamn brand EXCEPT LG? Seriously… 9 pages of brands… LG absent. What. The. Strange. Absolute. Fuck?

I’ll take a look thank you! Yeah the firmware’s site is where LG support links to and their site is shit. First of all, after two attempts it says you can only download two files per day. It uses IP not cookie so I used VPN to retry but it’s a dead link. The thing actually said to me “You are a spammer” seriously no shitting. Assholes.

But I’ll look at everything you provided thanks.

Their captcha crap is fucking atrocious. Sometimes it cannot be done without reloading over and over for like ten minutes until you get a usable image. Captcha is such drek.

Thank you! I already tried XDA but I’ll look at the others.

They don’t even give you a link to the file directly that you could feed I to archive, they do a query with a code that triggers it to deploy the file. Of course. Because the more complicated and obtuse the better.

Does anyone have or know of archives of firmware files? I need a specific file
Hi everyone, So, LG is notorious for deleting files the moment their hardware is past support... anything to prevent you from retaining a device when you can be pressed to have to replace it. I have an older device and I have tracked down exactly what is wrong and how to fix it. Some folks have stated it's bricked, but much research has revealed that this is untrue. I need the stock firmware, but LG's site download links are all dead. The device is the LG US730 (LG "Splendor"). The file I need is: `US73011b_03.S11b_03.P15107` If anyone has this or a previous version, I would so greatly appreciate it! I have spent many hours trying to track down the file from a mirror, an archive, a fan site, a site that has firmware backup files.... no luck anywhere. I figured it can't hurt to post a request just in case someone has it. Thanks for reading, and if you can help, I would be in your debt and happily return the favor if you ever need anything that I have.

Ah. Okies. Well, I’m using version 8 and it’s fine no intention of going to newer. And some devices are using older versions.

So did they ever implement any of that? If so, as of what version?

Hey, So… after a lot of exhausting searching and attempting to get the tools, looks like EVERY one of these is defunct. Either dead links, or updates have since patched out the ability to do whatever is needed. I feel like Lineage is a short-lived option where the only practical route is to buy a phone that they officially support right now (as in, when you want to do it). I have also searched beyond your recommended links… A LOT. Dozens and dozens of youtube tutorials, XDA threads, and other websites. All with the same flashy “INSTALL LINEAGE ON zzzzz” and ALL dead. Missing files. Or comments by the hundred saying it fails. Or youtube videos that just want the fucking clicks so what they do is not actually possible; therefore they just use some kind of video trickery to leapfrog over one essential step that will actually not be possible.

Anyhoooo… What I HAVE been able to do is find lots of great rooting tools and threads so I have rooted like half of my phones lol. Also gotten some great tools to optimize even without rooting by using ADB and strip/disable lots of stuff that’s just bloat.

I still would love someday to explore Lineage, /e/, Havoc, and many other custom ROMS. It seems, though, that for every legitimate tutorial, there are a hundred that are just clickbait, or more recently the cancer that is AI bot copied SHIT. AND, besides all that, lots of the tutorials have dead links so whatever ROM they were hosting is not there anymore. The official sites remove versions that they no longer support, so even if you want to just take a risk with an unimportant phone, you cannot even get what was once an official build!

Some day, I will try again when I have plenty of free time, but for now I guess I am sticking with whatever is there already and just customize the shit out of it, plus root where possible.

Thank you for your efforts, though, it was appreciated!

Wow. That sucks. Why would an advertising company buy them, though? Seems odd.

I’m a Nova Launcher user and thoroughly happy with it.

Maybe someone can help?
First of all, yes I have gone through droves of posts on XDA and frankly it’s a mess, but I can tell you that after following a few threads that just refer to themselves in loops, there’s no actual solution. I have an LG US730 which was rooted and everything was great. I must have toggled something in SuperSU - I think maybe the option to be rooted during boot. Anyway, now all I get is Security Error and it shuts off. None of the recovery power on switches will work. The only thing I could do is VOL+&- power while the usb is plugged in and it goes to a download in progress screen. Of course nothings happening and I need to remove battery in order to get this powered off at this point. Anyway, I’d love if anyone has a tool to repair this. LG’s utilities all do nothing at all I think they’ve purged the back-end of older stuff so the programs that should download something and proceed simply wait forever. ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/7ad6e17e-9e51-44d5-8749-ab352be9af8a.jpeg) ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/52aacd7f-f286-4ccc-b956-765918e5a52e.jpeg)

I had been tinkering with some tools it was already rooted for days. I have a Galaxy that also was rooted and been messing with same said tools. No I didn’t foolishly make some change - I actually did not make any changes at all I was just looking around the options. One random time I rebooted and this happens. Now I cannot boot even into recovery mode :-(

Please help i want to change the default download location
cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/20366420 > Hello all, > > Probably might seem like a dumb question, but I have searched and tried everything I could find. > > I have a Galaxy A12, running Android 12. I have a high capacity microSD card in it, where I store lots or stuff. > > For the life of me I cannot find a way to set the download folder on said SD card as the default location to which to download. > > I cannot find anywhere in the OS settings, and I have searched and searched and looked online. I could not even get a setting in Firefox whereby I could establish this preference. One article stated you need to go into about:config ... well, that is just blank. > > For bleeps sake I was able to do this on my goddamn pocket PC in the year 2000 with two freaking taps on the screen. How the hell have they gone out of their way to devolve some fundamental concepts?? > > Anyway, my ranting notwithstanding, I am hoping to be delightfully abashed when someone points to some obvious thing I managed to overlook. But it's not seeming likely. > > Please help :-@

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/20065081 > Hey folks, > > So, some of the instruction steps I am not expert already. Once I do this kind of thing once or twice I usually never need help again. However, this would be the first one I do in a few years. > > Anyway... Moto X device, replace OS with Eclipse ROM. The instructions have a few steps. > > So, first of all, I have already gone into developer mode. The OEM unlock that is often there is not, so I need to know how to do that via ADB. I could probably look that up. The next thing is it says I have to already be on 4.4.4 Android build, and I cannot find that level of specificity in the About. I will post the page. > > I have downloaded the appropriate rom file. > Then it says wipe data but don't do a complete reset. Okay I will do that. > > Install the ROM. Okay, how? > > Reboot. I can handle that. > > So, I guess I need to unlock bootloader via ADB, I need to determine and ensure the current KitKat is up to 4.4.4 > Need to install the new ROM > > If someone could help me with these, I would appreciate it greatly. Thanks! > > ![About](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/c2aaebfc-26d7-492a-8786-91282da2065f.jpeg)

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/19576153 > I don’t need it to be with zero effort, but most of the instructions I find these days on XDA forums are extremely ambiguous and assume the reader is someone who does this every day and therefore knows most of the steps and what the terminology means. > > Years ago when I used to do stuff like this more, directions were written meticulously and without abridgment of any elements. Seems today it’s not common for someone to go to the effort. > > I’m extremely proficient, that’s not the issue. It’s just most instructions say stuff like “Step 1: root the phone. Step 2…” I’m like “whoa excuse me… how do I root this phone?” > > Anyway, so all I’m asking is are there just comprehensive directions for any of these.

Best firewall app for my limited needs?
Hey all, I want a firewall app for just basically to enforce restrictions on outgoing communication based on service or app. It is mostly to block data harvesting. For reference, if anyone remembers there was one for iPhone called Firewall IP and it was just perfection. That was back when we could jailbreak. Anyway, so that's all I need. Free is best, of course, but I would pay a bit if it is an exceptionally good product. No problem paying for quality. But I will have no interest in anything that's subscription based, nor anything that I need some kind of backend "approval" or login in order to install and use it. In other words, I want to know that if in a hundred years I happen to have a working phone from today, and the apk file, then I can install it. Obviously that's *reductoi ad absurdum* but you get my point. Thanks for any recommendations. P.S. I'm not rooted, if that matters. Although I am still interested in possibly getting a replacement ROM for my device.

Hey guys, just following up to let you know it finally worked
So I was recently talking about a few phones I had bought used, which have FRP lockout. So, the one I was talking about working on at the time is a Galaxy J7 Sky Pro. Well I finally used DroidKit on it, and after a moderately lengthy procedure, it is FREE of the lockout! So the software is not a scam, it actually did work. I have been having trouble with another phone because when it gets to the stage where it needs to dial \*#0\*# it supposed to bring up the factory mode to test various components. I’ve seen this on other phones work but this one, a Galaxy A01, it doesn’t bring up that mode. And it can’t continue. Another phone I have is a ZTE and that’s not one of the supported brands in Droidkit. But one worked! Which means likely it’s fairly reliable. So that’s cool.

I’m wondering if anyone could please help me out with rooting my device
cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/19262336 > I have done extensive due diligence but there are a dozen conflicting posts on XDA covering how to go about this. Off of XDA are just a million sites with AI generated copy that's absolutely incorrect. > > So, I have a new Galaxy Tab A7 Lite. I want to root it and have the superU app, etc. and I will then de-google it. > > So, like I said, there's a ton of conflicting methods listed. Also, many provide instructions like "Now flash the device," or "put it in xyz mode" but they don't actually say how. Instructions are supposed to be instructive, not referential. > > I'm not incapable; far from it. I rooted my Zenpad a few years ago. It's just I had comprehensive directions. > > So, would anyone be up to the task? I'm offering $20 because I know this is a bit of a todo and I respect the value of your time and effort. > > Thanks, all. > > P.S. I should first make sure, rooting does not preclude keeping updates, right? If it would prohibit updates then I think I might not want to do it.

Is the Edge Panel a bit much?
Is it supposed to be like a dock? I’m using Nova Launcher and then I found the Edge Panel and it is a bit much but for those who use the default launcher is that the idea?

Hey, ok so I want to know what’s the best hack for my new device
Hi all, Okay so my Galaxy Tab A7 Lite has arrived. I did some searching and it seems like there are a million options as far as replacing / hacking the rom. So, all I want to do is have root access, and be rid of any bloat that’s built in. I prefer whatever is most tried and true, and whatever does not have any iffy components still. Like, I want everything to function without glitches, I want to get the most out of my hardware, and other than that, I really don’t want a 100-step process. So, recommends? What’s available that’s very reliable and what does it offer me? (Eg: GSI+Root, Lineage, Havoc, et al) I appreciate any advice. Thank you.

I got this RCA Reno it’s sluggish but in excellent condition, so I’m wondering if I could do any hacking to it to make it more smoothly operable.