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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


Wolfenstein 2 TNC is widely regarded as inferior to Wolfenstein TOS. Youngblood just made sure to bury that franchise for good.

For anime moe games ? Yes, that is par of the course. Gachapon games are cheaper than therapy I guess.

The PS5 pro GPU is equivalent to a Radeon 7800XT with slightly better ray tracing cores, the CPU to a Ryzen 7 3700X with limited power.

If anything it’s more true for former KSP 2 dev Uber Entertainment.

Hint: if they are American devs in a big studio, the latter is more likely nowadays.

Well that’s certainly a better review than the IGN one!

At least a sequel is coming, but the closed beta impressions weren’t good.

RTS with pause. Turn based games always to be so goddamned slow…

I do wish more games would do the BSG game’s real time with planning turns thing.

PvP centric games tend to have way more consistent player bases than PVE games, sadly.

Yeah but that’s the problem isn’t it? Why are more toxic games like the PvP centric ones some much more successful with sometimes even less content?

It’s not worth 60€ anyways in it’s current state.

Well we did get the Tides games at least.

And versus was never the point.

But they did release it, in unofficial forum post dump form.

Wait for the actual release on Steam this summer.

How can they be so stupid? It’s still in early access, the full release is planned this summer with the missing factions and features.

Every veteran I asked that tried the game in it’s current state already consider it a massive iterative upgrade of the first game.

Ant that’s a good good thing given how many recent RTS miss the mark trying to reinvent the wheel.

At least you can already try it, it’s on EA on Epic store, and from what I saw trough streams, it’s already a worthy successor despite not being complete.

It’s the same game fundamentally, but improved and properly modernized in everyway.

There’s a replay in Twitch from yesterday here if you want to check : https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2148190491

Sins of a Solar Empire 2 is likely to fill it this summer.

Thanks for the fair review! It seems it’ll be a good buy in 1 year then, if they don’t close down the studio until then.

Sins 2 despite unfinished is already pretty good, and a true successor to Sins 1.

It’s too expensive anyways.

Its going to be a great buy in a year at like 30€ with the pass included.

Well yes, it always was multi-player co-op horde shooter?

It has as much chance has Halo Infinite coming to PS5.

Well another studio took over from Intercept Games to work on KSP 2 a while ago, right? Star Theory, iirc.

The already did a remake in 2012, it was not liked.

I just wish the tech was there for Graphic Novels.

Yeah, I had to put it down since last Sunday, as server keep being full after 20:00 each evening since then.

Not really, it opens and scans the PC when you launch the game and then closes itself once you quit the game.

You have Beyond All Reason which has both an active development cycle and player base, because it’s basically the best classic RTS available in years.