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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Apr 05, 2024


When The Dawning hit this year something in me just kind of rebelled, I was like “you know what, no, I’m not playing this 4x+ repeated event for mediocre rewards”

Is that uh… Is that a lot?

This is fuckin dumb one way or another but if 10,000 fishbucks is a lot factors in a fair amount.

I’ll take “shit you shouldn’t be able to patent” for 1000 alex.

You could argue GTA violates this patent, I throw bullets at dudes and it “triggers combat” \s

Will it suck less than the current implementation of Shadowplay that detects every app under the sun as a “Game” and doesn’t actually work on my actual games anymore :')

The issue is that even if half of them go there, the rest are scattered to the wind, and you’re not guaranteed to find them again.

The biggest loss here is that I follow a lot of artists on Twitter and when it goes kaput I won’t have easy access to follow them.

You got me I actually do in fact dislike all MOBA type games.

That particular mechanic of “banning” characters may also fuck right off though. I can’t ban sniper when I play TF2

Honestly I hate any game where the other team can just, arbitrarily decide “Nah you can’t play the character you like, fuck you” and it’s one of the innumerable reasons I don’t like League.

And even then good luck! For I will have glued it to my cold dead hands.