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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Don’t repeatedly kill the cows in the first village so that you can sell their drops for coins. You can do it once… maybe twice…

It’s because video games turned into investment vehicles where companies want to make at least 50% return on their investment instead of create a fun and engaging peice of entertainment.

Im trying to think like a money hungry, out of touch POS CEO here.

Unity uses a subscription model right? Where each year you have to renew it and agree to new ToS. Well if they just put in their new ToS that companies have to pay retroactive fees and that company “agrees” to those ToS, then that means it’s not illegal since they technically “agreed” to it…

Hope to he’ll it doesn’t hold up in court but if Unity goes through with this who knows.

Someone in another post mentioned the cuurent Unity CEO was the CEO for EA when it was voted worst company in America… so it kinda explains a lot.