  • 2 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Yeah, I feel like it’s paying for the priveledge of being a beta tester. I am exited to play it, but I am not dropping money until the full release.

There’s a demo on the PC which I really enjoyed. But, I didn’t get any Zelda vibes, besides the graphics.

Will it? I would love to try out VR gaming but I really don’t want to be locked into meta’s ecosystem.

I only play single player games anyway. There’s nothing I am missing out on by waiting.

When you say “survival games stay in ea forever”, I don’t follow. Does that mean the game is never done?

Subnautica is an amazing game that I really enjoyed experiencing, but even the full release was buggy. I can’t imagine playing a game where atmosphere is so important and then being pulled out of it by bugs.

I swear the last half a dozen games I wishlisted have all been early access. I refuse to pay for a game to be a beta tester. I can’t be the only person who dislikes this approach to modern game releases.

I wonder it’s because it attracted a bunch of people who weren’t into games, but are huge Harry Potter fans.

What joirnaling/diary app do you use?
Looking to start keeping some daily notes. I don't mind paying for the app, as long as it's one time and not subscription. Bonus points it it on f-Droid.

Portal 2 has a coop mode which I hear is great. I adore portal 1 and 2, but never got a chance to try coop.

And you should be using a password manager anyway, which can generate the token. Granted, it’s probably bad practice, since it defeats the two factor aspect.

I am hooking up mine to a projector and using it to drive my home theater. Sound is handled by a bluetooth speaker. Is it perfect? Far from it. Is it a better experience for watching movies on TV? Absolutely.

I’ll wait for the game to be out of early access regardless. Aren’t they adding a story?

Do you think a Fold style phone with an eInk display on the outside would work well?
I love reading on my eInk reader. I think if a had phone where the book I was reading was always on the outer screen, I would read even more. But, is this too niche of a form factor?

I sunk in over 100 hours into update 6, but got a little disheartened when I ruined one of my factories. I am keeping an eye on the updates and as soon as 1.0 drops, I am going back in.

This is why I loved the fingerprint sensor on the back of my pixel. I would be able to unlock it while taking it out of my pocket.

I want a Galaxy Fold style phone, but the external screen is eInk. Have it set to always show the book I am reading. This will let me read in bite sized pieces.