I’m not arguing for or against being a recession. But the sales for this console don’t prove or deny a recession, they just show that either no one actually wants this thing or Sony has managed to misjudge demand.
Yeah hard to say because I have played the game. But I’m not particularly passionate about it. I just felt like the show was a bit meh and forgettable personally.
People say Lemmy isn’t a hivemind but the reaction to your comment proves that this is not the case.
I’m pro choice either way. If people want to identify as they, them, it. It’s up to them. If people want the option to remove that from their game it’s also up to them. Who cares either way.
Sorry this is stupid all round. People are stupid for getting annoyed that you can set pronouns in a game, but Nexus are stupid for removing the mod that allows players the ability to if THEY wish to choose so.
Nexus just hosts the mod, if anybody is offended they could just not download it.
Udemy blocks this so netflix must. I try to screen shot sometimes for educational purposes and it always ends up as a blank screen.