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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


Not going to happen. Nobody can afford promo trolling because then people are simply not going. Word to mouth propaganda doesn’t bring the masses needed to pay the bills nowadays.

Ah, I didn’t catch that. I would like to think they’d only add things with a good purpose, e.g. better early game experience.

The golden ball thingy in the bottle village? That’s this floating “cage pyramid” where you can go up with a swing like elevator. I’m lacking the words to describe it better.

It seem I forgot most of Ghens world tho.

If that was in the original game (which I did play it a couple of times) I absolutely don’t remember it.

You’re right of course about the limits of the point and click and forced view nature of the game. A lot is hidden / cannot be explored as thoroughly.

It looks pretty right to me. I’ll probably pick it up (after already having the original and the steam version).

There seem to be some changes / additions to the original game? For example I don’t remember the house/dome thing on the giant tree stump (~30s) or the tree (at the end of the trailer).

I understand the decision, but for me it’s a problem. I want to play it, but after all those years I really long for more variety.

As a middle way they could make new industries optional. Or release them as recommended NewGRFs like they did with some of the graphics, audio and such in the past.

Do they still not add new industries to the base game? I played this game a lot - like A LOT. But the amount of base game industries are really sad to look at, and there’s not that many of expansions either. So you end up playing FIRS industries all the time.

Except cheaters would flock to the tournament-legal game mode because there’s less cheaters. Why would they bother to try and win against other cheaters if there’s a better chance to win against easier opponents?

Cheaters cheat so they win easier. They don’t care about fairness.

I finally got around installing OpenMW and started playing.

Feels good to relive my first “serious” RPG experience.

TA is just a gem. I like how the base game is pretty moderate unit-wise. And then they just said “fuck it” and added whatever cool shot they (probably always) wanted.

And the soundtrack kicks ass, “March unto death” being my favorite.