
#SaveInvidious #SaveNewPipe Privacy is a human right, thank you Edward Snowden. I post my opinions on subjects wether people agree or not, if you want to disscuss than do so respectfully and ill do the same. Check out my sublemmy 10_0s basement.

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Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Mar 12, 2021


Great video with good points, we’ll have to see if the monopoly stays good for gamers in the next 10 years, its pretty obv from the video that the status quo is great for valve and good for gamers, but horrible for competition in the platform space. Valve is a monopoly like how android and ios are a duopoly. Great for customers and the companies around the OS’s, bad for competition in the market. (Does competition matter if a monopoly it benefits the customer?)

Honestly don’t mind the change, but it should be “kinds” and not “species”. Or don’t change at all, no change was needed in the first place.

The minish cap emulated on my homebrewed Nintendo switch.

Maybe focus on banning cheaters rather than having a pissing contest with some dude

Depends on the game, if and FPS get a monitor that’s 144hz (I got mine for 150£ at 1080p around 5ish years ago) if anything else the TV will be fine.

Old people when I ride the bus