The battle between the Video Game and Movie industry continues on, driven by Generation Z's preference for video games over movies. According to a 2024 report by the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), a staggering 63% of Gen Z individuals prefer playing video games to watching films (compared
Let’s be real. The type of movies that don’t suck total ass in 2024 are not the kind of movies conducive to watching if you have an attention span shot to shit by tiktok. Vidya games are just going to be more stimulating to younger people, blanket statement, and probably millennials for that matter as well.
Yay, ageism!
TikTok users are pretty evenly spread from age 10 to 50.
The post is about Gen Z.
We’re talking about why Gen Z prefers games to movies. Attention span is part of that equation. Gen Z is the predominant demographic on the social network famous for lowering attention spans.
Do I need to pre-qualify any other statements for you?
The link doesn’t break it down by generation (lumping Gen Z in with both Gen Alpha and Millennials), but it still doesn’t look like they are the predominant group. And if they are, it likely isn’t to a major degree.
Surely it’s not due to the increased accessibility of good video games and the decreased accessibility of good movies. Young people bad, have tiktok brain.