Harassed off the platform
Path of Exile.
Its 100% free, so you can play it like a demo until you are either fully in or bored.
It gets a season refresh every 3ish months with an entirely new mechanic, so most experienced players restart it 4 times a year, play a new build, and then stop playing when bored and return at the new season so its always got reasons to peek back in and see if you want to rejoin.
The leveling system is a little daunting at first, but the base game is completely playable newbie blind even if you pick “suboptimally” from the skill tree. If youre too worried about FoMo, there are tons of guides online for builds, both top level and newbie friendly.
The attack/skill system is very interesting and completely moddable, tons of replayablility.
If you like diablo, try PoE.
And poe has much cheaper, frequently on sale, qol purchases.
Do I need a $2 currency storage tab? No. Will it make the game mildly smoother, and functionally be the “price” of the game for me if thats all I ever buy? Yup.
Do I get to play as much game as possible before I decide to “buy” the game and get my currency tab? Absolutely.
Cheap qol purchases for a f2p game makes the outrageous cosmetics far more acceptable.
And youre currently swimming in a urine filled game, because 1/4 of dev time, money, and company resources are spent on actual game content while the other 3/4 go towards the next round of store items.
The pool is lower quality because of the piss. You can still swim just fine. So shut up and swim. Right?
The game is lower quality because of the focus on microtransactions. You can still play just fine. So shut up and play. Right?
You mean you didnt stop buying apple products? Lots of people, myself included, avoid slave labor brands.
(And also most jobs and housing do require a phone, and its better to buy a used phone second hand than a brand new phone every time. Utility devices are far more nuanced and intricate about “ethical” choices than a video game.)
E: also, this thread specifically is about death of the author, which I dont think anyone would apply to iphones at any point regradless
The phrase “there is no ethical consumption under capitalism” does not mean “therefore, death of the author always exists for all art the second it is made.”
For starters, you will not die if you dont experience all art made. Its not food. Its not shelter. You will be okay if you dont watch some movies, dont read some books, and dont play some games. I promise.
But, more specifically, death of the author means to separate an author and their life from the work they create. If your purchase directly funds the author? You didnt separate the author from the work.
Death of the author is when you accept and understand that reading a story written by a shitheel from the 18th century is not supporting their shitheel opinions. That you can study the work and its influence on culture without that study or consumption being explicit or implicit support of the creators thoughts and opinions.
But when you pay an author for their work, you have supported the author. Period, thats what the word means.
Now you can fibble or quibble about morality of putting money into someones pocket all you like, but if the author is literally benefiting from your purchase, they are not dead. There has been no death of author.
So, the fact that it took all year on all 4 major platforms to outsell one game from a much smaller but recognized IP thats restricted to one platform doesnt sound like a meaningful effect on its sales to you?
Because thats a very weird thing. It should not have taken so long to reach this point, given the size of hp as a franchise.
Thats not death of the author, thats you covering your eyes while handing them money.
Death of the author does not exist while the author makes money off the product.
If you pirated the hogwarts game? Then you have room to speak on death of the author. But jkr has a hefty royalties deal on hp products. If you paid for it, the author is living well.
Im sorry you apparently cant face that truth, but that doesnt change it.
If you hated trans people because some people online told you to boycott the product of a piece of shit celeb, not gonna lie dude you were a shit person and it had nothing to do with seeing the backlash to the game.
No joke, if this drama in any way altered your opinion of “trans folk” as a concept, you need to sit yourself down in front of a mirror and not get back up until youve fixed the rot in your personality. Utterly brainless take.
So, to clarify.
You have a word that is hotly contested as pretty offensive to a group of people who deal with a lot of regular mockery and ridicule. A word so regularly debated on if it counts as reclaimed or insulting that it sounds like a conversation Ive had many many many times about such slurs as dyke, trannie, and faggot with other queer folk.
And youre shocked that a respectful company isnt chomping at the bit to use it to sell video games?
Just to make sure. Thats the stance you want to take right now?
I think the people with the condition are the ones who said the term can be offensive, which is why valve was not gung ho on using it.
I dont think its really up to you on if their opinion on their own insults is a bad take or not. Do you step in like this about other insults and slurs for other people?
Bold claim to say that the reason people dont like the game is because the players play the game wrong.
Even if it was secretly the goty, and you just needed to stand on your head and cross your eyes to really play it… Thats still the games fault for not making it obvious how to play it “correctly,” no?
As long as games arent gamepass exclusive, and direct game sales stay consistent, I think we are largely safe.
But Im not exactly sleeping with both eyes closed, so to speak.