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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 19, 2023


Because no one wants a console with ads, has no gyro aiming, strange support for older Xbox/games.

I’m not saying anyone should work without pay. I’m saying that with the way publishers release games I expect AAA releases to be unfinished works at this point.

It depends on the game. If I buy a game from a smaller publisher I expect it to be a complete work with full story line. Unfortunately… When I buy from a large publisher I expect to be getting a ¾ complete game that will give me expansion packs.

This isn’t the case with Nintendo games though. I feel like and Nintendo game is just done and any extras are… Extra.

I’ve got one I never hooked up. Can you just control the computer in general or do you only get access to steam? I wanted to jellyfin with it maybe

I don’t think I can narrow it to 3 but here’s a few of my favorites: Original legend of Zelda Metroid N64 Golden eye 007 Halo Katamari Battlefield 2/3 The borderland games Zelda botw/totk (let’s face it, almost all the Zelda games have been pretty great)