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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 15, 2023


stealth, just like geddit, takes the stuff from reddit and shows it, no account involved. idk exactly how they do it, but nsfw works fine.

well my family has moto g8 plays and some other, newer models. what android version was the g4?

and yeah, stock android does have a lot of useless stuff

i heard it was gonna be discontinued (im not sure, cause i can still use it perfectly), but stealth does the same thing and works+looks better than geddit from my experience.

edit: nevermind, i just checked and have got no clue why i thought it was being discontinued.

every motorola phone ive had never had any builtin gallery app, only google photos (which i disable and install fossify gallery instead)

this is probably because motorola adds very little to stock android, and as far as i know, stock android only has google photos, sadly

motorola doesnt come with its own gallery app, only google photos, unfortunately