Gotta love when people start making shit up in order to do a ‘gotcha’. Especially when they usually don’t read any additional materials to back up their incompetent viewpoints.
I am personally against subscription models and prefer to pay for a product but I’m not going to just ignore the benefit that sub models have provided to the industry.
So, a product that has been discontinued doesn’t mean that it needs to lose software support, was the point I was trying to make. It would be nice if they still sold them but still good that the people that own them can continue to use them and are receiving security updates for them.
I think it’s important that companies like google, samsung, apple, etc are held to at least this standard where products don’t need to be changed unless they actually break, rather than forcing software changes that break or reduce effectiveness of the product to try and force the consumer to produce e-waste and buy a new product.
Nothing wrong with wanting new products, however that should be a personal decision made at a personal level by a consumer not one forced onto them by a company who designed products using the planned obsolescence doctrine.
Technically yes for rimworld cause once you get a larger colony completing anything takes forever because it doesn’t support multi-threading.
It helps that all my friends are gamers and no family in the picture.
I’ve also got my stuff setup in such a way that I can do cardio while I play video games.
You are absolutely correct and I amended my comment because as much as I enjoy RDR2, having to navigate their god awful DRM every time I open one of their games is easily one of the most annoying things in gaming. Not to mention I don’t even think R* has done any serious updates to the game since release
Starfield won “most innovative” which immediately denigrates and insults literally every other game that received an award.
What an actual fucking joke.
BG3 getting GOTY makes complete sense, I’ve put like 1k hours into the game and every play through has been different and engaging.
The voice actress for aylin and the voice actor for ketheric are simply amazing, but honestly all the VA’s did an amazing job.
As much as I love RDR2 it did not deserve, at all, labour of love.
Apparently you’ve never modded skyrim.
Nexus mods is a host to ‘underage marriage’ mods.
You’re clueless as fuck dog, the trash admins at nexus are virtue signaling to make themselves look better while also avoiding people looking too heavily into the wide variety of truly horrific mods that are on the site.
None of which I really care whether someone uses or not because I’m not a grade schooler and can make the differentiation between reality and a fucking video game, but pretending they have any moral high ground indicates you have no clue what you’re talking about.
On a positive note the incompetent morons trying to harass this dev have now blown this game up a fair bit more than it would’ve gotten otherwise, so hopefully she’ll make enough money to be able to comfortably ignore the morons.
I’m going to look into it, not sure if I’ll buy or not but it certainly seems like an interesting game.
If anyone else is interested this is the games steam page:
Overwhelmingly positive so far, pretty good looking reviews as well.
Rimworld, palworld, armored core vi, ready or not, cp2077 and metro