I don’t see how something like this would provide a better shopping experience for consumers then just going straight to wallmart.com or amazon.com or any other storefront accessible through a web browser. The only thing different is that its happening on the Roblox client (not a web browser or dedicated app) and you get a virtual item alongside the physical item (not saying the digital accessories are bad but they’re definitely not much of a “perk” of purchasing through the Roblox client.)
Phone I’m Using:
Samsung A50
Am I Happy with it:
Yes, it has been fully capable of performing the daily tasks that I throw at it. Only downsides really is that it no longer receives support from Samsung.
What Phone Did I have Previously:
My previous phones were a LG Q6 and I believe an iPhone 6 or 7. Honestly as much as I love Android, the iPhone was leaps and bounds better then what the LG Q6 was able to provide. That’s mainly more a statement of how bad LG was at making actually interesting phones that were good.
How often do I upgrade:
My A50 is a hand-me-down so atm I don’t really decide when I get a new phone lol.
What other Android Ecosystem Devices do I have?
If it counts, Google Home Mini (have had it for quite a few years)
Do you have any Apple products and/or Microsoft, Linux, etc…
No, I don not own any Apple products of any sort. I own an Xbox Series X, a Windows Laptop from Asus, a Google Home Mini along with a Amazon Alexa (well technically that wasn’t mines originally I’m just “borrowing” it because it was just left disconnected.) Lastly I have a pair of Jabra Elite 3’s which have been pretty good.
Regardless of how you feel about how the Roblox platform works and if it is or isn’t exploiting child labour you ought to think that this would be something that corporate will make sure everyone refrains from saying it or entertaining the idea when talking about the platform because well… it makes it look bad.