You can have a bank account, but you wouldn’t be able to do online or mobile banking.
Sms is the only 2fa option (some offer email as well, but last I checked all fall back on sms), and it’s mandatory for online/mobile.
There is literally no bank in my country that doesn’t use sms for 2fa.
They use the crypto and shopping shit that Joe rogan or recommend…
I did this years ago and getting sms disentangled from imessage was a fucking nightmare. I don’t even remember how I finally managed it. Idk if it’s gotten any better, but don’t be surprised if there’s a headache. Good luck!
You can have a bank account, but you wouldn’t be able to do online or mobile banking.
Sms is the only 2fa option (some offer email as well, but last I checked all fall back on sms), and it’s mandatory for online/mobile.