I’m here to stay.
Tekken 5 still my favorite entry in the series. Sad the older games never got a proper PC release. I played Virtual Fighter 1 and 2 on Saturn and 3tb (on Dreamcast), so cannot speak for any newer entries. At least they do not play fluid like Tekken and do not feel as good to me. Virtua Fighter also was less combo oriented. Again, I don’t know how the current state of newer Virtua Fighter games are, but I’m a little bit skeptical at the moment. Really need to test them. And I would recommend you too, so you have the right expectations.
But from the trailer, it looks much better to me than what I experienced 20 years ago lol.
Who is the next clown in the circus?
Currently playing FF7 Remake for the first time, as a huge fan of the original. The other games I purchased is to make the pile of shame bigger and to play when I have some time – I’m not ashamed! For some reason I did not have the original DOOM games on Steam; this was the perfect opportunity.
I assume its not possible, otherwise anyone would have done that already. From what I read through online research, it looks like Xbox Cloud is using an API for Cloud streaming by Google. And only Chromium based browser have this implemented and Firefox does not support it. If this is correct, then there is nothing you can do about it. People try to make Xbox Cloud work with Firefox for a long time now, without success.
Not this streaming is not just showing video files like YouTube. Game streaming involves gamepad (or other input) in realtime to coordinate with the server. Therefore the browser has to support these functionalities.
I know, but its still funny that the XBOne sold more than iconic N64 and Gamecube combined. I know this has to be seen in context, that’s why I said “just for furn”. Also this brings into perspective how insane the PS2 sold, where gaming was in less mainstream position than today. It was Sony with the PS1 and 2 who made gaming mainstream. The PS3 came out 6 years after the 2, while the Switch has a longer period of time without its successor (currently 7, we enter in 8th) and still could not catch up. It’s crazy how the PS2 sold.
Let’s see how many units are sold during holiday season. Also if the new Nintendo console gets out, then the old Switch will get (hopefully) a discount and it sells a lot more. Keep in mind the PS2 and DS sold even after their successor came out. Wikipedia lists the numbers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_game_consoles
PlayStation 2 Home Sony 2000 >155 million
Nintendo DS Handheld Nintendo 2004 154.02 million
Nintendo Switch # Hybrid Nintendo 2017 143.42 million
And just for fun, people call the Xbox One a failure, but look and compare to some legendary consoles:
Xbox One Home Microsoft 2013 ~58 million
Super Nintendo Home Nintendo 1990 49.1 million
Nintendo 64 Home Nintendo 1996 32.93 million
Nintendo GameCube Home Nintendo 2001 21.74 million
We don’t know. If I guess, it will be a full priced 69 Dollar game with 100 Dollar special edition for preorder. Other than that, Ubisoft is desperate and they said they won’t do this microtransaction shit they did before, so the integrity of the actual game is kept. I believe it when I see it, but that’s what they said. They even want to release it on Steam without the Ubisoft launcher on PC. Hell thats an improvement!
If the game truly has no bullshit, then I might check it out. Didn’t play an Assassins Creed since Black Flag on the Xbox 360. And I like Japan, so good oppurnity to hit me.
I’m not Nintendo supporter and play Switch games on emulators. But one justification is, that this is current generation system. And while the developers are not responsible for, this enables easy piracy, and basically each first party game got leaked early and was playable before or shortly after launch. So lot of these people connect the wrong dots and say that the emulator “supports” piracy, which is not true, but depending on the view could be interpreted by some haters.
The Ryujinx isn’t illegal and I am pro emulation (I have terabytes of Roms for all kind of systems) and Open Source. The above statement is not MY justification, but what I think is what most Nintendo supporters will say. I talk about this subject with my bro, watch YouTube videos and read forum comments and that is what I get from them.
Valve and Steam is actually the best thing happened to PC Gaming and Linux. No thanks, I want Valve and Steam succeed. I’ve seen the same claims over and over again and most of the time its wrong or disingenuous. I’m not saying Valve is a prophet, off course there are things I don’t like about.
But saying Valve is ripping every PC gamer is a lie.
I remember being hyped for the launch of the game, because this looked amazing. It was one of the few live service games I waited for. Then it happened, they went with an exclusivity deal on Epic Games store and it was over for me. And apparently for the game, because it was shutdown as I remember.
I never heard they posted a free version with servers you could host yourself. Why nobody told me! This is actually the best possible case (besides going Open Source) for live service games that shutdown.
My question is, is this game playable on Linux (through Proton)? Does it use Easy Anti Cheat? I don’t know how this works if this is self hosted, so probably not.
But those points are not the reason this game flopped. Lot of games have micro transactions and are popular. Other games require additional account (and even launcher in some cases) and are still popular. While these arguments are in fact negative, they are not the reason the game failed. If Sony comes to this conclusion too, then they will not learn anything from it. So I hope they analyze it better.
In example the initial trailer reveal wasn’t good. Then the characters and the universe it is in isn’t very interesting, huge problem for a hero shooter. Sony completely ignored the critics from beta test phase. The marketing in general was terrible. Game is not playable on Linux either, which would have gave them some marketing push too. And the timing of the launch day was badly chosen too lot of people and news was focusing on Wukong and Deadlock.
There are lot of reasons that are well orchestrated together to fail the game. It’s not as simple as the list you gave (in my opinion). Games with worse industry standards get more popular.
The gameplay doesn’t look bad to me, I am interested into it. It has way bigger problems, like the unpopular character styles and looks. But what do you mean by “abusive industry practices”? I like the idea of paying upfront and getting the whole game, way better than a Free to play model to me. But I guess that approach isn’t working in today’s world.
Price plays a role too, only 17,55 Euros for Squirrel here and Concord 40 Euros, plus 20 for Deluxe.
I was interested into Concord, not gonna lie. But even if I wanted to buy and play the game, accept their terms of usage and create a Sony account, its not playable on Linux. And to be honest, I’m thankful for not being able to waste my money and time.
To my knowledge, no. I was searching for GTA 1 and 2 as well and could not find a legal way to purchase them for PC. Maybe someone has the games as a gift, so would probably sell this way. Or old still active keys sold in certain shops. But those are grey areas. There was also a period of time when Rockstar gave those games away I believe.
Whatever you do, I would be very careful not to fall in a scam trap. Also lot of free .exe downloads are probably infested with malware. The only way to play those games for me is, to emulate them.
These aren’t actually Half-Life 3 leaks. I watched the video. He says everything in the video is about leaks and speculation will be marked as such. But there is nothing that points the files being Half-Life 3 related. He speculates that its about Half-Life 3 (without marking it as speculation).
So no, this is either misleading in order to get more clicks and viewer, or in best case just wishful thinking. There is absolutely nothing that makes this a Half-Life 3 leak, this is just another speculation that Valve would work on the game. You know in the past years, how often Tyler was wrong with his own speculation…
Edit: ugh, I lost myself in this reply. It’s just geeking about the future what could be possible, mostly not worth reading if you value your time.
This is one of the most exciting developments to me, the actual AI of bots or NPCs. Not only for RPG games, I can also envision multiplayer games to be more fun playing offline with bots. Imagine they act like humans, with their hearings and trying to trick you out in Mario Kart, Street Fighter and Counter Strike. Obviously we are long way from this, but this is very exciting to me.
Also GTA where people act normal and do stuff humans would probably try too is exciting as well. In RPGs imagine you hear about a hero in a village who defends its town and you recruit him, finding out its just a normal NPC for other players, but got strong because it found a holy weapon you dropped near to him in the beginning of the game. Just totally wild idea I know, but what if the future of games (probably 50 years from now… sheesh) is extremely rich and dynamic? I have no idea how this vision could be accomplished without AI and always server connection to power servers…
Why do we learn about their names after they die? RIP Viktor.