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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 01, 2023


These advanced reactors are safe, efficient and ‘leaner’ than the first and second generations of nuclear power technology. Of course, you already know that this source is neither renewable nor clean, which is not a good idea, according to what we think.

These authors don’t sound like they have a very good grasp of the tech they’re “reviewing”…

It’s not just public knowledge, Lufthansa tested it in commercial airliners a few years ago. it’s just a FUD article to make it look like this is some new unknown super tech.

That is incredibly unfortunate, as I don’t exactly want a bunch of plugged in 24/7 lithium batteries sitting around. I’d rather take the extra time to take them to the recycler than risk missing a spicy pillow.

Is there a way to run these phones without the batteries? I have several android phones that are old/no longer getting updates I’d love to repurpose but don’t really want a bunch of batteries sitting juiced up around the house all the time…

It feels like a toss up between that and Elon huffing his own farts to the point of brain damage

It was a wan show a while back if I remember right (not op), but basically trashed unions and said businesses should do better and vaguely acted like all the employees of the world could just quit and find something better on a whim if things were actually bad where they worked.

Austria was the country. There is a few wrinkles here. They found cp on one of the hard drives, they had text logs of him offering to host cp on a server, and in the end he was sentenced to 3 years probation.

I’ve done this with almost every computer I’ve built/owned from MacBooks to desktops, and it depends on your use. Want to use it to spin up say a small private nextcloud/plex/lemmy/Remote Desktop/NAS/whatever server? usually works pretty well! if you have no use for the computer then it could be worth it to just get your feet wet in linux/FreeBSD/HaikuOS or something like that. Otherwise it’s probably better to just recycle or sell it if it’s just going to collect dust either way.