sorry for posting turbo cringe on main, it’s a whole thing
I watched the LGR Video then saw this and it looks bleak. EA promised to update the NHL series into the new Frostbite engine and all we got was the same game with the same glitches plus a bunch of new ones and longer load times. Even now like 4 years later it’s not worth playing, a total mess. A real shame Life By You got cancelled I had that on my wishlist and it looked almost finished…
I still play Sims 3 with the entire pirate pack from time to time, guess the tradition will continue for now
I saw a bunch of comments about this game deriding it for looking like one of those fake video games you see kids playing in movies and commercials and stuff. So maybe they should sell it to studios for exactly that, like the deal Jack made with Spanish-language soap operas to use Liz Lemon’s instantly cancelled Dealbreakers talk show as background on 30 rock
The more I think about it, the better I remember it. I think I’m going to watch it again.
The hijacking of buddy’s glucose meter to try and kill him
hit pretty close to home
and it even had a Zombified
Stephen Hawking and Resident Evil Movie Style Dogs but from Boston Dynamics
it was honestly pretty great for network TV
Did anyone watch that show NEXT from the people who made 24? I might have been the only one, I’ve never seen anyone ever talk about it. There was a plot point where the evil Alexa tried to convince a kid who was being bullied to bring a gun to school and shoot his bully, and provided the kid with the keycode to dad’s gun safe… it was pretty wild.
I had to get a player without any internet access or camera awhile back to use while working with confidential information, and ended up getting a 2nd Generation Fiio X3. Was a bit expensive, but was the most recommended for the price at the time, was a lot cheaper than the Sony, B&O and Astell+Kern it was compared with in reviews, and still works well years later. I just use a microSD card reader to update it, there’s a driver to install if you want to use it as a DAC otherwise it’s not needed
Neat, I just finished playing through TBOGT the other week, going to check this out. I never downloaded something that required joining a discord before but it was simple, just joining and clicking the #downloads channel had it right there, I didn’t have to interact with anyone.
edit(s): wasn’t that hard to install, the instructions on discord are pretty straight forward, got it running it’s really awesome, I really recommend trying it. First it impresses graphically, then you realize the physics are in the new engine, the first person view is there, and it also gives proper cockpit view … there’s so much here.
even the swing set glitch is replicated