Apple just has good marketing honestly, growing up it was pretty rare to give out your number so I message wasn’t really a thing. The main driver honestly is marketing. Androids are seen as cheap, iphones are seen as rich. The UI is sleek and magical. The ecosystem just works, and services like airdrop are ubiquitous. I fear we might see all major flagship players step out of the US as gen z gets older and android being branded in the US as exclusively budget and IOT.
I have a pixel 6 and generally like it. Googles stock rom is where my issues with the pixel come up. Generally its not spookier than any other googled android phone. The rom looks good when the device is knew but from what I’ve seen online it tends to get slower after 2 years. This is nor an issue for me however since I moved over the graphineOS.
I use android and I will still say I think iOS had an edge when it comes to security. iOS sandbox is far more restrictive of what apps can and can’t do. While I disagree with certain restriction others I can see. Keep in mind as far as I am aware android apps can still do things like list every application on the device, and don’t get me started on Google Play services
Okay so I think we got mixed up, the app I’m talking about doesn’t seem to be on play yet. I think its only on fdroid and github. Its a client for misskey