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Joined 5Y ago
Cake day: Jun 28, 2020


That came across my recommendation queue the other day - despite my dislike for horror, it looks interesting enough that I might check it out!

mandatory downtime between fights that punishes trying to brute force practice them

Fascinating. This would frustrate the hell out of me - if I’m trying to get better at something, the last thing I want is enforced wait-time between practice attempts! Still, I’m glad you’ve found other games that you enjoy more rather than being influenced by the Internet’s collective fan-boner for FromSoft.

If you don’t enjoy practicing bosses, FromSoft games will probably not be for you.

This is not a dunk! There is nothing inherently superior or worthwhile about games that require practice. I personally enjoy Soulslike games, but people who claim they’re they’re the One True Genre are just fooling themselves.