Long term Apple developer since 128k days. Currently at Opal Camera building amazing macOS software! Always happy to talk games, coffee, tea, art, hiking, travel, books, or code. FFXIV on Balmung.
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Cake day: Nov 14, 2022
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@schizanon@gaming That’s part of why I’m always surprised at how much people will rail on bugs in games now. I mean sure if a bug makes a game literally impossible to complete, rail away. But half the stuff people complain about are things that when I was a kid would have been treated as hilarious quirks and possibly things vital to the ability to speed run the games.
@schizanon @gaming That’s part of why I’m always surprised at how much people will rail on bugs in games now. I mean sure if a bug makes a game literally impossible to complete, rail away. But half the stuff people complain about are things that when I was a kid would have been treated as hilarious quirks and possibly things vital to the ability to speed run the games.