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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


Let’s see if we can get a legal precedent that addictive = entertaining. That could have “interesting” ramifications. (For the record, I don’t agree at all that they’re the same thing)

Been on PS+ for 7 years and canceled it immediately when I saw the price hike. Also, not going to buy consoles anymore since they’ve gone to shit.

20€ / month, nominal speed 400/50 Mbps, usually within 5% of that, Finland.

There’s a lot of content to play as a free player. For me the most important thing the subscription offers is the unlimited crafting material bag. You don’t need it but if you want to be a crafter it will be painful without it. Three classes and bunch of content is behind expansion packs… all of which you can unlock by buying the current “collection” version which includes all the previous expansions also and goes for like 60 bucks…

Having a monopoly is not good… I just wish others wouldn’t completely ignore Linux users… Valve/Steam on the other hand is seriously pushing it forward which makes me very much biased toward them.