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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


Beware that points like this suggest that messaging platforms should be monitoring all communications sent between users. If that’s the world you want to live in, ok, fine… But in this case the guy that committed the crime is the one who has been punished. Isn’t that the correct result?

Remember how it took several years for EA to figure out how to let you put more than one item in your shopping cart? LOL

I am having this issue on Linux. :( Currently running Windows for a few days to rule out the OS.

Does the article mention the stability problems with the 7000 series? https://community.amd.com/t5/graphics-cards/is-amd-going-to-acknowledge-black-screen-crashes-on-7000-series/m-p/650861

No. Wishing these journo ding dongs would help us make noise about this issue. I should have heeded my friend’s warnings about AMD product stability.