Next time you can save yourself a reset by using adb.
adb shell "pm clear && reboot"
adb shell "am start -a android.bluetooth.adapter.action.REQUEST_DISCOVERABLE"
Also on my device (oppo watch), play integrity doesn’t seem to matter. Some of the time I’m only passing basic and watch works perfectly.
Pairdrop is probably a miracle tool for me. Just open the website and send files or text, no configuration, no fuss and it even works outside of the local network.
One day I’ll finally set up my own server, but that’s just for the fun of it. One hosted at is super solid and I can’t remember it failing me.
Neo-Backup with special backups enabled can do that and much more. Works well with synchronization tools. Root required.
Since you mentioned it, there’s a fork of AntennaPod with a more modern look:
Neo Backup with special backups (SMS, wifi passwords, wallpaper) enabled. One downside is root requirement.
jtxBoard, open source, syncs over caldav (works great with Zanshin) and has very active developer.
Additional it supports Material You and has included notes and journal support. Oh, did I mention it’s free?
There are already several opinions about rooting, so I’m not entering that discussion, but I can share my view of ACC and AccA.
I’m the kind of person, who charges the phone over the night. My device theoretically supports 33W charging (can’t test this as I don’t have the stock charger), but when charging over the course of several hours I don’t need this speed.
I have the current limit set to 750mA and max charge in range of 90-95%. This works fine for me and in case I need a quick top-up there’s always Charge once to #%, without restrictions option.
I know it’s not your main point, but speed does matter, at least for some users.
It’s not often, but I regularly have to move relatively large amounts of data (20-40GB) between my phone and pc, sometimes (but not always ) in small batches (~4GB) with a ~10min breaks between to check stuff.
With this process already annoying because of MTP and the way windows file transfers work (no resume/retry over MTP, linux handles it way better) having a high speed connection make it a bit more manageable.
It’s a niche use-case, not very important, but it’s something I wanted to share.
Apps and more (sms, wifi networks, bluetooth devices), free and open source: