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Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


After the absolute trainwrecks of Crysis2 and 3, I’m not sure of this is a blessing or a curse.

Even the premise of this game is so stupid. As if doing any unusual stuff as the only black samurai in the whole country totally wouldn’t land you instantly in hot water.

Fallout 3 part 2! newvegas

This trailer is absolutely brilliant

The individual desires judgment. Without that desire, the cohesion of groups is impossible, and so is civilization.

The need to be observed and understood was once satisfied by God. Now we can implement the same functionality with data-mining algorithms.

You will soon have your God - and you will make it with your own hands.

  • Morpheus from Deus Ex

Turn based RPGs ain’t doing that bad. I mean, BG3 was the hype in the last year or so…

The only true way to enjoy FoNV is with a stealth suit, all the way. Totally not because I’m addicted to MedX I swear.

This DLC made reconsider a few things: never thought I’d love a toaster this much, for one.

There’s some ageless classics. HoMM3 came out 25 years ago and is still pretty much the top of its genre. Freespace2 more or less shut down the spacesim genre 25 years ago, as well…

Any game that makes people actually move is good in my book.

SF somehow feels more fluid? intuitive? to play than MK.

But neither allows the balls to the walls insane shit Mugen lets you to conjure! Or well, IKEMEN nowadays.

Hearts of Iron 4, and Battletech 3062 Advanced.

Pretty much has to be boilerplate tbh, as they can only fish out a response from the preapproved can.

Armored Core 6. Loved it to bits, and made me realise how badly I’d need good mecha games… haven’t had one since Battletech.

Install HoI4 and you’ll see…

Divinity 2: Dragon Knight Saga. Kirill made the most fantastic OST…

Second place is for Megaman Zero series I think. I still listen to those tracks to this day while running.

It depends if you are new to the game or not. There’s two big categories of mods - those that only perform modernization and quality of life features, and those that rework everything until it looks like Skyrim.

If you are new, I’d recommend not using any of the latter; they can be fun, but it’s good to know New Vegas “as is”, I’d say. Otherwise the selection is so big it’s hard to pick, I’m running like 30 or so (mostly extra weapons, enhanced AI, better crafting, extra sidequests and a player home). But just give an idea on the scope of mods, the settlement building system in FO4 was inspired by mods originally in New Vegas (Real Time Settler and Wasteland Defense), so there’s really a wide scope of things to pick from.

As for the former, there’s some that jump to mind - NVAC (New Vegas Anti-Crash), FNV 4GB memory patcher, stutter remover, nevada skies and/or EVE (essential visual enhacements), and probably a texture pack or two to enhance visuals. Maybe even NVSE, which is a scripting extension mod that other mods can/will need.

Fallout New Vegas (with some mods), Vampire Bloodlines (with community patch) and Deus Ex Human Revolutions. I’d personally even put Deus Ex 1 there for the story itself, but the game is pretty old and may be jarring for modern audience even with mods…

I should be happy it’s getting a sequel, but all I can muster is a terrified oh no.

If you haven’t, play the mod campaign Derelict. Unfortunately it’s the closest to FS3 that we’ll ever get, Blue Planet aside…

Well fuck, it’s now 150% we ain’t getting Freespace3 anymore.

Jagged Alliance 3 has grid, but the movements are more fluid than I’ve seen in a while. It’s all about polish and execution.

The odd moment you want to call SR-71 a mech…

I design and operate monitoring systems, and let me tell you, information fatigue is a real thing. Warning labels make sense when sensibly used; otherwise people get conditioned to ignore them, even if they would be crucial. Think of road signs: if there was a speed limit of 10 before every turn, all speed limits would soon lose credibility.

Hardest part of the job is actually learning which alerts we need to keep and which to trim… if we simply slap warnings on everything, everyone would ignore them soon enough.

When everything has a label, all labels are ignored.

Like This chemical has been proven to cause cancer in the state of California, literally plastered on everything.

Jagged Alliance 3. I loved JA2 1.13 to death, and while JA3 kinda pales in comparison so far, I do love the fresh content. Hope modding will take off for it.