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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


The sensor stuff for the adaptive vibration? The first screen in that section of the video is a big feature card like they put in the upgrade tours which let’s you turn it on or off.

I don’t know. The sensor stuff sounds pretty gross but the assistants are already listening all the time so they probably got a good understanding of the battery usage and hopefully privacy and later they point out they’ve made significant battery life improvements.

The Bluetooth find my device stuff is icky but I’m using my Bluetooth basically 24/7 so the auto re-enable settings means nothing to me. I honestly think most people turn it off and get annoyed later when it’s not on so that’s probably a pretty compelling improvement for them.

There were some security wins too like the private app area, encrypted network controls and network monitor warnings.

So privacy dead? No it’s basically the same. kinda just another megh update from Android. Moving forward but not wowing anyone. Google is too busy putting all their resources into ruining their trusted search reputation by making it lie to everyone to invest in a real android update.

I wish someone would shake up the phone market again so we could look forward to these updates again.

I got a really good one from git-scm.com. literally every feature you can imagine including a bunch the official GitHub tools don’t even support.

1 of 4 comments addressed. You showed me 😁

I prefer privacy badger because it does more then block ads and is generally a bit nicer to sites.

But really it was supposed to be a satirical comment on the state of the web anyways.

After waiting for the page to load, fighting through ads triggering redraws, dismissing cookie banners, closing the notification request…

It’s a toss up.