This seems to kill my USB C Port, as the dongle is attached while I move around and I’ve already destroyed 2 USB C DACs and 1 phone port.
I have switched to Bluetooth because of that, but a headphone jack would be really nice, because I do have some custom in-ears and some nice over-ears around, which I now never use…
Any good book recommendations?
I’ve just started reading more since a month or so as well, but I’m having trouble finding good books - especially sci-fi stuff
I read the children of time books (2 of 3) and although the idea is cool, the writing style and also the (later) story itself isn’t really good.
So I’ve looked into the Foundation series from Asimov. I started with the prelude and went on to the second book, but after Dune it feels very shallow and somehow written like an action movie (with easy/stupid solutions)
Isn’t really the thread topic, but if your have any good books in mind, I would really appreciate it :-)
Yeah, stupidly checked after posting…
Although it shows up to be compiled for an earlier Android version and might not be compatible
Well, at least an option more… ;-)