Not really. People shed skin and hair constantly, and the small particles float in the air and distribute themselves throughout the volume. And your bacteria are along for the ride. One of the functions of the protective suits, gloves and hairnets is to contain these these particles and thus keep the air as clean as possible. When combined with lamina airflow, positive room pressure and other techniques, it keeps contamination down hugely.
Same with me! I was binary searching cladistically and it spoiler >!it was a jawed animal and did not have hard bones!<. My search among the >!cartilaginous fish!< was all negative. Damn
Not really. People shed skin and hair constantly, and the small particles float in the air and distribute themselves throughout the volume. And your bacteria are along for the ride. One of the functions of the protective suits, gloves and hairnets is to contain these these particles and thus keep the air as clean as possible. When combined with lamina airflow, positive room pressure and other techniques, it keeps contamination down hugely.