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Focused on cybersecurity, gaming, and tech. Follow for insights on security trends, industry updates, and the latest in tech.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 22d ago
Cake day: Dec 21, 2024


Interesting thought: “Because I have my entire extensive library on steam, I’m kind of stuck with them. And while they are not abusing that presently, I’m fairly confident they will someday.”

Steam subscription $9.99 to access your library 😐 - man that feels wrong. But also can probably happen with the TOS noone reads

That’s some dedication! Sometimes I wish I would do this more often. I start doing it, then it just fades away… Might be because some of the games don’t apply to my taste, then I forget to keep up with it.

One of the better unknown games I've played. It's free right now. Give it a go if you like rogue-like/souls-like types. Very rewarding gameplay (and pretty difficult).