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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 13, 2023


I put some hours into it a few months ago and had a good time, but one of the things that I hope they add is better conditions for routes. Maybe I was missing something, but I was having a hard time getting my workers to actually get in the trains I wanted them to.

Kinda neat to create a way to experience an older expansion that many newer players missed, outside of the Classic method.

Shane it is time limited and not a permanent thing, though.

A get where you are coming from, but my perspective when I was younger was that I could spend $15 a month to play this basically limitless game or spend $50-60 per game that would be a 40-50 hour experience. So for me, the value of that subscription was huge.

I think if modern games stuck with subscriptions without other mtx, that puts the most incentive on making a good game that is worth playing for a long time. But all the sub based games also have mtx these days, and there is also the incentive to make things just a little worse by default and offer a paid item to ease that a bit, the whole “pay for convenience” thing.