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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 25, 2023


I find root essential if you use a custom rom. I usually buy cheap phones (like Poco/Xiaomi) and install a lineageOS build. Without magisk/kernelsu there are a lot of apps that are not going to work (like netflix, Google pay, bank apps, et…).

Nowadays most developers consider that you are a terrorist for having a non-oficial ROM and for me using the super bloated MIUI rom is not an option. If you have a good base os like pixelos, samsung’s os or similar maybe you don’t need it.

Also being able to fully block advertisement is a great plus of having root. I now that there are methods that does not require root but adaway, in my opinion, is the best.

I mean as a native feature, without all the hassle of having to install third party apps and windows drivers to use it.

It does not make sense to have four cameras in most today’s phones and having to spend 100$+ in a webcam that performs worse than your mobile.