I wish they had just abstracted and genericized the civilization characteristics into things like “nomadic horse lords” or something rather than my game having a “Greek -> Mongol -> American” continuity which is very immersion breaking.
Yes over the course of history regions could be ruled by different civilizations but that’s by forces like conquest or cultural domination which are literally in the game I’m playing, so why does time passing or a technology unlock turn me Japanese
The issue is that you’re constantly asserting your statement without evidence and when people are offering up contradictory ideas you’re asking them to present evidence (“that doesn’t mean that he’s NOT from a billionaire family”) which is shifting the burden of proof. You made the claim, you have to prove it, if people put out other explanations also without evidence then they still don’t have the burden of proof since the point under debate is the claim that you made. As the person making the claim you must prove it.
It’s not meant to be harsh since this is a very low stakes conversation and topic but what you’re doing willingly or unwillingly is exactly how misinformation spreads on more important topics, so it’s important that you be aware and correct your behavior.
Why does anyone NEED to be excluded? Many games have demonstrated that accessibility options allow more people to play the game the way they want.
This is something we can start to expect from AAA games.
Do you need others to fail the game, or to belittle them for turning down the difficulty, so that you can feel good about yourself?
yes you’re right this is a lawsuit about too much profit and it will directly set a precedent where companies aren’t allowed to have too much profit.
Pretty smart, as a leftist maybe I’ll sue every corporation for being privately owned, this is a whole new avenue for systemic change. You opened my eyes
Nobody cares what investors think, games are an artform and the PC market is most accessible to small creators. Yeah investors care about the things you say and so we might not get “action game with rpg mechanics and crafting 14 battle pass edition” on PC until they milk console sales, but there’s plenty of amazing content that’s PC first
Many core mechanics are different in each game, and even if they kept the code identical for the DLC mechanics the bulk of the work is asset creation, balancing, etc.
There’s no universe in which you’re right