I dislike the AI push as much as the next guy, but you are totally right. Pro-AI comments don’t do well around these parts. It’s crazy that people are denying it.
But capacitors aren’t batteries. Batteries store chemical energy. Capacitors store electrical potential energy. Electronically they behave much differently.
There’s no security implications with allowing users to play mp3 files, they don’t care where they came from. 75% of my library is music that I either pirated or ripped from my own CDs, it’s not like iTunes (now Music) can tell which is mine and which isn’t. Same thing with movies/tv shows.
You can choose whichever input methods suit you best. I’ve always been a controller kind of guy. As someone left handed I always struggled with keyboard and mouse setups.
I dislike the AI push as much as the next guy, but you are totally right. Pro-AI comments don’t do well around these parts. It’s crazy that people are denying it.