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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


my younger kids have a hard time with the rails for sure. magnets could be magical if they get it right.

this is Lemmy. There’s like dozens of us in this thread that hate watching streamers! you are not alone.

I hate watching people play video games too, but definitely for strategy or inspiration it can be helpful

wow, how long did it take them? what visionaries! my kids have been playing the switch version of wii sports like crazy lately

i sold mine like an idiot. still have a slim though which we still play pretty often

can’t say i would argue! but when all the houses are that way, i can’t really buy a concrete/steel construction house in any normal price range

kids will just make a new account to evade the parental controls. they don’t really work ime

if this comes with tetris attack I’m buying

i disconnected my xbox from the internet since the new fallout 4 update dropped. mainly because i was playing this mod and didn’t want it to break

the term developer is highly overloaded. in the games industry it can either mean “the company producing the game” or “an individual software developer working on a game.” i think more often it is used in the first sense, especially in reporting.

this is definitely the most pressing issue facing our country right now. great work guys!

yeah i miss the lore and sense of world building i get in Fallout. every little note adds to the story and overall feel

i have a couple Unity games that are close to shipping, i think i’ll hold off on that and rewrite in Godot instead. I was already considering it since working with Godot is a thousand times more pleasant than Unity anyway.

why is it live action? is the game footage bad or something? I’m struggling to understand