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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 17, 2023


Will have the “mature tone of the original trilogy”.

Did we play a completely different original trilogy? Eg. framing Miranda’s ass in every shot was super duper mature, y’all

My main nit is that Rogue Incursion is hamstrung by how well one can tolerate existing in a tense VR setting for extended periods of time. (For me, I felt insane after taking my headset off, like I hadn’t blinked once in 30 minutes.)

Yyyyeeeaaaahhh, I probably couldn’t go 3 minutes 😅 I’m a big 'ol wuss and I just can’t do horror games, even though I absolutely love horror movies and the Alien franchise – I get so immersed in games that survival horror stuff is just a nope for me

It’s always great fun when people who have absolutely zero fucking clue how something works declare it “stupid”.

Yes, blame the victims, that always works well.

Microtransactions exploit the fact that some people have addictive tendencies. You won’t “fix” that by making fun of those people.

Considering how terrible the writing is on Starfield, I’m not sure Bethesda has it in them anymore. The quests are often incredibly boring, and the worldbuilding itself is a bit meh. Same with the books you find; they cheaped out and used public domain materials for the most part, and the books that do have in house content are… not great. What I liked about Oblivion and Skyrim was that the books you could find really helped to “fill out” the world, but in Starfield they’re just either uninteresting or plain bad – like those fucking cringy joke books

Good point, I should probably have said “working for a fascist billionaire manbaby”

With skills like this you too could be working for the fascist billionaire manbaby’s personal vanity social media service

Well, they can be, but fucking this particular one up took outright ineptitude

I have a sneaking suspicion that if I were to look at your past comments you’d prove my point for me. You might do it right in this thread for that matter

I didn’t but that does not surprise me at all. Apparently reich-wing chuds even made a mod to remove the ability to choose “they” as a pronoun in Starfield – I guess the fragile little flowers felt that they were being forced to accept the existence of us queers?

I definitely play games for the escapism (have you fucking seen this shit that’s going on?) but I manage to not be a bigoted conservative sociopath just fine. I don’t think that’s the cause

How is it that gaming as both an industry and as a hobby so consistently manages to attract the worst people you can imagine?

The Portal is such a weird device. I really don’t understand why anyone would want one, but it’s not like I’m the arbiter of what’s useful and what’s not

That’d probably also net someone a ton of downvotes from neckbeards, so yeah.

lol fucking neckbeards downvoting someone for liking a game that YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO LIKE

gAmErS were shitting their pants over the mere possibility of choosing “they” as a pronoun in Starfield. Also apparently voice actors having accents is “woke”