I totally agree that both seem to imply intent, but IMHO hallucinating is something that seems to imply not only more agency than an LLM has, but also less culpability. Like, “Aw, it’s sick and hallucinating, otherwise it would tell us the truth.”
Whereas calling it a bullshit machine still implies more intentionality than an LLM is capable of, but at least skews the perception of that intention more in the direction of “It’s making stuff up” which seems closer to the mechanisms behind an LLM to me.
I also love that the researchers actually took the time to not only provide the technical definition of bullshit, but also sub-categorized it too, lol.
For values of public posts, yes.
My default for new posts is followers only and I have approve followers checked. (And I’m pretty picky, so far.)
More to the point, the discussion started out about the back end (whoever is in control of the servers selling all your data straight out of the database) and you’re referring to the front end (using a tool to scrape as much posted content as possible).
With respect to Blue Sky, which I was specifically addressing, it only has 3 million active users vs Mastodon’s 8 million right now though, which also somewhat obviates the whole network effect for new BS users. Not to mention since it is also decentralized, it does still suffer from the issue of instancing. About the only thing it may have going for it is an algorithm. I don’t honestly speak to that since I’ve only been there briefly, but since Twitter ran just fine without one and attracted tons of users (and got a lot of them angry when they switched to an algorithm), I suspect it isn’t a huge deciding factor for a lot of users.
I guess my point is… Blue Sky is still trying to launch and struggling. Mastodon is much more mature and only going to accelerate into the network effect more rapidly from here on out as well as standing a much better chance of not just being enshitified 5-7 years down the road, so when choosing between the two, I would definitely encourage any friends leaving Xitter to join Mastodon rather than Blue Sky.
Also, I feel like the users that care about algorithms and following Drake or whoever are just going to stick with Xitter anyway, because they really don’t care about all the “drama” of who owns it or what they are doing with their data.
Last time I tried to use Blue Sky it was so incredibly broken. And that was like November 23? I assume at the time that Twitter was exploding with people jumping for life rafts it was even less feature complete. They probably would have just doomed themselves via word of mouth if hordes of people had come straight from Twitter to BS. At least this way they are managing expectations a little bit.
OTOH, having said that, I don’t understand why anyone would ever get onto a new commercial social media platform again now the Fediverse exists. Kick in a couple bucks a month to your server admins and the dev team and know that at least you’re not the product and not just building up something that is on the road to yet another enshitification.
If you go straight to disconnect.blog literally all their content right now seems to be a hate-on against the AVP, lol.
I’m not saying I would ever buy one of these, but then again I didn’t buy an iPhone until the 3gs either.
Much more interesting view of the AVP from a more “the street finds its own uses” perspective here:
(Mind you, even he says at the end that he would never buy this particular model.)
Everyone is pretty good at spam detection these days. Also, this is a reason to have at least 2 email accounts—one you only give to close family and friends and one you use for commercial purposes.
And use throwaway/blockable for anything political too. (Apple has Hide My Email that lets you generate random email addresses linked to your primary that you can block with a click if they start to spam you hard immediately after.)
I mean… it’s a process? I have a yahoo and a gmail account and I’ve switched like 95% of my stuff away from them to iCloud at this point. It just takes time and patience. As for logins, grab BitWarden and start using it to store passwords instead. Has the side benefit of letting you generate all randomized passwords as you switch to mail-based logins so theres no password duplication or patterns for anyone to analyze if a few different places lose your account credentials.
I feel like a Brother laser printer is a much better solution unless you specifically need color. Also, if you try and print with a laser printer after a couple months of disuse, it should fire right up and print. The same is not necessarily true of an ink jet, where things may have dried out and clogged.
Makes sense. Apple has tied their corporate identity pretty closely to protecting personal privacy and they’ve also set up E2E encryption of iCloud pretty recently (end of last year). Probably just easier to turn off those communication options then to try and deliberately punch holes in the protections they’ve set up.
Oh definitely Mastodon. I’m having a blast over there, tons of fun people. Plus, the fact you can follow hashtags makes it super, super easy to populate your timeline with interesting content and then if it’s too much, you can pick a few people you like who are interested in that topic and just start following them instead, which gradually translates into a very organic feeling timeline without a long period of crickets while you look for friends and make new friends.
The community backlash is the bug as far as Sony is concerned. They’re trying to work around it now…