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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


Right. Like, my use case for SD cards is for my cameras. I want to take pictures and bring them home across international borders. And a 4TB card would be amazing, though probably not fast enough. I simply don’t put files that I don’t want people to find onto my SD cards in the first place.

The cards that full frame cameras use to hit 800mbps are CF not SD. Functionally very similar, but you can’t just pop it in your laptop. You need an external reader. The nice thing about SD catching up to the CF spec is backwards compatibility. You can take your 800mbps SD Express and throw it in your laptop’s SD card slot and use it, even if it’s only at 100mbps because the laptop still uses an old SD version. No such luck with CF Express unless they can convince people to build CF ports into laptops and phones (though SD is just about dead in phones).

It basically means trend. It’s sorta evolved from the concept of “metagaming” where you’re not just playing the game, you’re gaming the game. People now use “the meta” to refer to the collection of viable strategies for a game, and “the current meta” to refer to what is popular at this moment. This could be types of decks in a card game, character builds in an MMO or a MOBA, or other things like that. Presumably, for twitch, “the meta” is referring to not strategies of playing games, but strategies of gaming twitch. In other words, strategies to maximize viewership and income, and specifically, what is working at any given time.

Another topic I see a bunch is whenever there’s an article about Samsung folding phones, it inevitably mentions Samsung killing off the Note line. The Note line isn’t dead. S Ultra is the Note. They just renamed it. It’s the same damn phone. Compare a Note 10 to an S 20 Ultra and tell me that’s not the same series. I’ve been using the Note/Ultra since the Note 2. This really highlights that they don’t care to look beyond the surface level and instead they just regurgitate press releases.